Jameson Pester

Actually, his popularity held up pretty well, considering how much effort the Chilean right and a certain North American superpower were putting into actively sabotaging his government. The coup was launched after his coalition did surprisingly well in legislative elections.

Riz is the GOAT

It's very reductive that Dowd reads movies like this and Hostel as being literal warnings against Americans leaving the cozy confines of their own borders. Is A Nightmare on Elm Street a literal warning against sleeping? Is the "message" of Jaws that you should never go in the water? Is Friday the 13th telling us not

These guys clearly aren't as familiar with the Mad Max series as they think they are. Don't they remember Aunty Entity? Not to mention May from the first film and the multiple female combatants in Road Warrior. Women are active participants in all of these films and people tell him what to do all the time. Mad Max