
*Raises hand*

My parents are from St. Pete and just from hearing their commentary when I'm home for the holidays, it's a combination of Hogans, snowbirds, Scientology, and the "yuppie-fication" of Gulfport.

I think so... It looks like the rear's beginning to come around before he needs some opposite lock.

If your truck is longer than one spot, why is it driven on public roads without a license endorsement? This is coming from a Louisianian, we make Texan trucks look reasonable.

It's because, all pollution/climate change aside, the particulate matter emitted is a HUGE carcinogen, regardless of whether it's in a city or rural area. Because it's airborne it's a public health concern for us all, not limited to areas of high population density. This is the very definition of anti-social, and

Aww, no love/hate for the Blackwood? It's a trifecta of uselessness: "bed-trunk" of the SSR (complete with easily-damaged aluminum trim and non-removable carpet) and ridiculously small cargo capacity of the Baja and H2 SUT.