
Mentioned this in my own comment space, but I live down the street from their first location. I've had their pizza ice cream. It's like someone froze Campbell's tomato soup and added cream and oregano. That place has a lot of good, unique flavors (looking at you Birch Beer and Bourbon Vanilla). This is not one of them.

I live down the road from this place in Philly. I tried their pizza ice cream. It tastes like frozen tomato soup with extra oregano. So if you're into that kind of thing…

On a side note, it's interesting that you brought up Valkyrie as a replacement (who I also thought was the obvious candidate). I was just thinking as a result of this thread that the movies might be setting up a redemption arc for Valkyrie that makes her worthy of any new hammer, thus setting her up as a Thor when

I definitely get the cynicism about the experimentation as marketing, but I also appreciate that the ideas have a lot of potential. Riri Williams is a bit much, but if we can accept Tony Stark as being this ridiculous genius as a teenager, why couldn't another teenager start achieving the same feats (ie, making

Those are fair points, especially with the Lantern Corps and the Flashes. But I think it will be easier for Marvel to sub in their characters than it will DC. Even though it should be easy to find a replacement for Affleck as Bats, none of his replacements seem to resonate all that well, in contrast to Cap where I

He was finally able to retire on all of those Warner Bros. checks.

You make a few good points. Speaking financially, DC is "winning" marginally (but comics by themselves aren't all that profitable). In terms of fan loyalty, DC is also probably winning (but they've had to retcon a bunch recently to cede ground to fans who demand little to nothing changes with the core characters). In

"Doctor who?"

I used to live in Orlando, and the only two theme parks I'd ever go to would be Islands of Adventure (because of the rides) and Epcot (because of food and booze events) with an occasional trip to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal's main park.

When I watched some X-files episodes again recently, I was kinda stunned by how many of the plots would have been easily resolved if Mulder and Scully had cell phones.

Okay, but a good number of us didn't enjoy because of what it is. You can of course like whatever you want to like. But you probably shouldn't act surprised when qualities of the movie you acknowledge to be present lead other people to ignore whatever it is you like about it and conclude that it's not a movie they

I have a feeling the Monk story will feel a lot like a cop-out. Seems to me the only reason it was made into a three parter was to make Missy's return some super big deal. Which is unnecessary because the character is already campy as hell and larger than life. Just drop her immediately into any story and it

Okay, cameos from cast and crew disguised as other characters get a pass

Do you not know how commercials work? What relevance did any of the "Wonder Woman investigates the data on future Justice League candidates" have on the main narrative? It was like Thor's dip in the pool advertising the upcoming Thor movie, but at least that scene at least led to Thor protecting the Vision as a

I wonder how much money they could save just by dropping those really, really inane cameos

That's distinctly possible. I've lately been thinking that the trauma of the old ending and the new beginning is probably the key theme Lynch wants to explore in the show. And it's less that I think he doesn't want Andy and Lucy specifically in the show as much as he'd rather not have to grapple with all of the

It's pretty clear in how it's basically a very long commercial for Wonder Woman and Justice League with some very thinly developed character arcs leading to overstuffed and pretty anti-climactic action sequences full of plenty of plot holes and short cuts so that the protagonists can move more easily from point A to

I mean, if you're enjoying this new season, then you should absolutely be okay with the movie. Plus, a ton of things in the new run make a lot more sense in the context of Fire Walk With Me rather than the original series.

Ah, the "snorting a line of red pepper flakes" option. A bold choice.

Considering that, outside of the police department who are directly tied (I presume) to main plot events, Jacoby is the only Twin Peaks resident the show has returned to in multiple episodes. I'd be surprised if whatever it is he's doing doesn't feature in some prominent fashion eventually