
I took that scene as the most obvious representation of Lynch wanting to tell a new story with key parts from the original run and almost begrudgingly having to deal with some lingering debris from the first run that he'd like to ignore but knows he reasonably can't (or else it would have to be a totally different

Hm. And here I thought Wally Brando was a weird, quirky way to wrap up a lingering subplot from the first run ("Whatever happened to Andy's and Lucy's kid?") and explain away another change ("The prior Truman is in the hospital because he's sick or something") before moving on to the stuff Lynch actually gives a shit

I've basically become the Nega-Drunk Uncle at family gatherings. Almost my entire family on both sides are rabid nationalist conservatives, ranging in a spectrum from Trump to Alex Jones (no, really). Honestly, the only liberals in my family are myself and one set of cousins. I think another cousin of mine is

Thom Yorke's political opinions are nebulous? They were the only thing presented with the rare three minutes of clarity in Meeting People is Easy.

Well, they're not completely wrong

clever but a bit of a dick

I'm about 85% certain Nora is going to have a similar afterlife experience to Kevin and that he's going to save her or something. I don't think the show's so existential that it will say the anti-miracle of the Departure and the miracle of Kevin's variation of immortality are happening for no reason, but I could see

Around the 55th second, that match started feeling a lot like the ending of "The Mountain and the Viper."

Logical extension: maybe he's a vile prick to compensate for being such a fucking dork?

His approval numbers continue to decline. Does that count?

I'm not so much against the idea of crowdfunding as I am against the idea that Carolla is a reputable success

Imagine what the LPs cost!

I'm sure some people believe that to be true. Honestly, though, given how these kind of conversations have historically been treated, it's more a way of bringing difficult conversations out into the public where a majority crowd that doesn't share the same experiences can basically shout them down through a whole host

A bored old comedian who used to be able to make a living riding the crest of talk show radio and cable comedy but who now relies on the rabidly devoted fanbase of conservatives outraged that Those People are succeeding in their demands for respect to pay his bills

Just because people buy tickets to see concerts and stand-up doesn't mean they're crowd-sourced. You might as well say all of the economy is crowd-sourced, which renders the term useless.

It's more the latter without having to worry about douchebros showing up to derail the conversation with "Not All Men" or "White Lives Matter" nonsense

Spielberg gets wealthy organizations and individuals to fund his work because they know he has a record of success, what with him being a reputable and successful director. He doesn't need to crowdfund his movies after being shot down by potential sponsors. Subtle but pretty significant difference.

Right, which I get on some level, but it's pretty amusing to see Carolla defenders (not necessarily anyone commenting here, but in general) going on and on about how successful and relevant he is yet ignoring how he's resorting to crowdfunding to get his dumb "documentary" off the ground.

If he's made lots and lots of money, why does he need to crowdfund this documentary?

Considering his jokes about white crayons in the fundraiser awards, I'm guessing concerns about gender aren't the only thing getting under his skin.