
When I first watched the movie, I rolled my eyes at the thought of another planet-sized planet-destroying weapon. Then I saw giant Snoke and thought, "Oh, they built a giant weapon because their leader is literally a giant, so they need a lot of space." Then we found out he's a hologram, and I went back to the eye


My rationalization was that she didn't think it would matter ultimately because they'd be found eventually and (as demonstrated in the movie) it's not like a squadron of fighters could take down their third version of a massive planet-resembling, planet-destroying weapon (that would be absurd!)

I vaguely remember listening to Make Yourself in its entirety and thinking that it was alright. Nothing really caught my attention or wowed me or anything, but I did think they had some intriguing promise. Enough promise that I think I listened to a few tracks from Morning View and feeling kinda disappointed at how

For me, it's never been "hate" as much as it's been "staggering, overwhelming ambivalence." I'm kind of surprised to see the praise for their introspection because, at the time, it just felt like they were taking some popular trends in hard rock (that I didn't care for either, for the record) and readying them for

This really shouldn't be the case for me any more, but I'm continually baffled by that set of baby boomers who very clearly benefited from a host of public programs (in Ailes' case, taking part in the expansion of public higher education and probably a whole host of benefits his dad likely received as a WW2 veteran)

In this case, I've interpreted it as "Roil In Perdition"

Yep, they are using the government and various economic institutions to deprive white fandom of access to the material and cultural resources needed to better their own positions in the fan community. That's exactly what's happening for sure.

What the hell was Cry Wilderness then?

Is it still edgy if it's accurate?

Pretty sure I read in a couple of interviews that Joel left it up to the new cast whether or not they wanted to do host segments of any kind, considering they weren't necessary without commercial breaks. I know for a fact that the invention exchange was their idea entirely, and Joel was fine with keeping those out (I

I never had this problem, but I could easily see it happening considering how quickly they deliver the riffs.

That wasn't a bad joke necessarily. I just didn't think it was a particularly good one either. Which is pretty characteristic of most of the lines she's given. And given her minimal presence and the seeming unawareness of the rest of the cast, it always strikes me as a little jarring when she pops in, delivers an okay

Yeah, since I haven't finished the season yet, I haven't really engaged in too many rankings of the episodes, so I haven't really encountered the disparate tastes yet. Avalanche has still topped it for me thus far, but that might change on a rewatch

I guess my point is more that the original run wasn't as excellent throughout, especially in early "new host" episodes (ie, season 1; the first couple of Mike episodes), so I'm willing to cut them slack for their more mediocre (first Wizards episode) or poor (Star Crash) episodes

Still working my way through the season, but Cry Wilderness is probably my second or third favorite. Avalanche has been head and shoulders above all the other episodes thus far by my estimate.

I dunno. As someone who avidly rewatches classic episodes and seasons (to the point where I literally rewatched every episode from every season just to ensure that they were as good as I remembered), this revival sits squarely on the good side of the spectrum. It's not the show at its best, and it's got some very

You can definitely tell they feel way more at ease in certain episodes over others. I've only watched through Wizards of the Lost Kingdom 2 thus far, but Avalanche, Loves of Hercules, and Yongary felt significantly more easy going compared to stuff like Reptilicus or Star Crash (which is a shame because Star Crash is

There was no era of mst3k more smug than their first season on Sci-Fi. I enjoy the hell out of those episodes, but that was probably the harshest they've ever been with their riffs.

This a thousand times.