
Learning is a lifelong process

Finally picked up the first volume of Seven to Eternity. So far, it's been pretty great. While I was at the shop picking up my stack (I'm always months behind because of work), I also picked up the first issue of Nick Fury. The writing is probably meh, but the art looks super fun.

Which is exactly the kind of thing that made the first season absolutely terrible…

Seasons 2 and 4 of SHIELD have been really entertaining. The first season, though, is unwatchable, while the third is just ponderous and dull.

My first thought was that they raided the Farscape costume rack when putting this together

But if you've seen any of the Marvel shows, you know that's not likely

I don't know why everyone is being so negative. I for one am looking forward to this reimagining of Farscape

That's the joke.

And it might help us gloss over the fact that Mike Colter really isn't that great of an actor because we can always remind ourselves that at least he's not Danny Rand

You know, it's funny. These people, they go to sleep. Think everything's fine, everything's good.


Build That Firewall!

This Vincent Adultman subplot has dragged on a little too long, and I'm ready for it to end

I mean, yeah, I counted along with everyone else to determine if it was the Master or Missy in there. But at this point, I'm more interested with who made the Doctor promise to protect the vault in the first place.

When I counted them, it was three, three, then eight, which could be interpreted as two sets of four in rapid succession.

For starters, if they start massively destructive fights everywhere, they're going to broadcast to Framework Hydra where they are AND give them an excuse to Framework Carpet Bomb them, meaning it will be a hell of a lot easier to kill them irl.

For Phase 2, can we just keep calling to report Justin Bieber? I know it's low hanging fruit, but…

Sure, but that's a little bit like saying being stung by a wasp is better than being stung by a bullet ant.

To cement this analogy, imagine Rick's settlements are full of these creepy talking mannequin people that get stuck in doorways and vibrate uncontrollably.while shouting the same sentences over and over.

I'd really like to know how a two and a half hour movie with over half a dozen protagonists feel slight.