
What have the Romans ever done for us?

I guess given that we know this is leading to some bigger event, I can't really distinguish how they're using Doc Manhattan now versus how they must inevitably use him later. For these issues specifically, yes, they probably won't do much with the character beyond what you described (although him taking an interest in

Maybe they're planning on doing a surprise cross-over drop a la Beyonce right after the Flash/Batman story? I might be a little impressed if they go that route, but it sounds like it would be a really bad business idea on their part.

That's what I assumed. Maybe I'm wildly misinterpreting things, but it sure feels like they're building up to something big.

That's a possibility, sure. But since it's a big cross-over EVENT!, I can't really see Manhattan taking a neutral stance. They need some kind of antagonist, and some kind of conflict to overcome in order to set things firmly in a new status quo, and Manhattan has to be at the center of that in some way

I went to a friend's wedding recently, and for months in advance, he kept bragging about how there was going to be kobe beef. I was legitimately impressed because I thought that was going to be one of the main courses for dinner. Turns out it was just a bunch of shitty sliders served as an hors d'ouevres. At least the

…so should I feel guilty about getting chicken and waffles every time?

If you're looking to get drunk all day, chances are logistics and rational thinking aren't entering into your thought process. More like, "I'm so tired of living in this world, so I'm just going to drink my way through the day."

I wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared for that many pictures of Chaffetz in a row. I need consoling, possibly even counseling now.

Haven't we moved beyond Thunderdome?

Sure, but at least it's not devoting an article to a Facebook group that puts baked beans in unusual places

I don't want to defend this review too much because it got so many things wrong, but the one thing that was right is that nobody expects Cap to stay a Hydra agent. Not only is the end point of Steve reverting back pretty much a given, we probably know how this will happen (Kobik). It's a really predictable story, so

Uh, that's Matter Eater Man now, thank you very much.

There's been a lot of that with Marvel lately, starting all the way back to bringing in the young versions of the original X-men as a way to bring Jean Grey back without necessarily resurrecting her

I haven't been reading Valiant at all. Is this an in-continuity reboot (as in, it happened for a reason in the storytelling universe)? Or is it just a reboot as in someone acquired the rights and decided to start over?

Phonograms is done though, right? Like Immaterial Girl felt like a pretty definitive ending for the characters.

That's fair. I guess I wish that kind of struggle came up a little more promptly, but I guess everyone got a little derailed by CW2 and having to stretch things out a bit before Secret Empire

Eh, I'm a bit behind. I tend to buy a stack every few months rather than every couple of weeks, so I may have missed any recent turns with Rage. Last I checked in, he was inciting the riots against the Americops and being constantly scolded by Sam.

In fairness, a lot of this might be my general aversion to big cross-over events. The only one I've read recently that I've enjoyed is Secret Wars. The rest have ranged from mediocre to terrible. All that said, they could make a compelling character out of Manhattan. Hell, they could be doing some completely different

Right, which is what we should be critiquing. It's pretty lazy and contrived story telling that allows for a somewhat interesting idea that's been pretty poorly executed. I have no qualms with calling the current Cap story line poorly written. I just don't see why we think it's so fundamentally insulting and