
This may shock you, but some people stick around in the credits to actually learn more about the technical crew involved in the movie, especially budding filmmakers and cinephiles

Fair point. We don't want to upset "the nerds." Otherwise, you risk "the nerds" invoking the powers of the secret "the nerds" cabal operating in the recesses of the deep state. "The nerds" own all the surveillance technologies, and "the nerds" will monitor your every move and sabotage every facet of your life, all

But not as bad as a 'Rusty Venture'

Unfortunately, running between catastrophes seems to be how NuWho goes in general. The fact that we had a mid-season finale that didn't entail catastrophic consequences in "Angels in Manhattan" was one of a couple of bright spots in that episode. It was really refreshing to get that for once. Considering the next

Around $10-$15 seems pretty typical for urban spots in the US (from my experience seeing movies in New York, Philadelphia, DC, and Orlando). It can get up to $20 if you want the whole 3d, imax, sensory overload experience. I feel no qualms seeing more movies at home and limiting my ticket buying to either indie

They’re also promising new, better lightsabers, blue milk, and a Star Tours ride

"Oh, Finn, hey! Yeah, I uh… I got separated. By uh… Raiders? Yeah, raiders! I totally would have looked for you and BB if it weren't for those raiders. I totally didn't spend a week at a cantina or anything"

Well yeah, that could work, but I don't think that's the explanation Poe gives. I'd have to rewatch to verify though

I had the same response until that last line. It suggests some sort of major shift in the way they're thinking about the central conflict in the movies, and the fact they included it in the teaser suggests it's a shift that happens fairly early in the movie. But yeah, the fighter sequences looked same-y

Given we don't know exactly what happened to Poe in between "crash" and "in a fighter pilot to find the people who have the MacGuffin", I wouldn't say we're sure whether it's consistent or not. We got some very, very brief exposition on what happened, but it sounded like things moved inconceivably faster for him so

With extra scenes that flesh out the director's real vision into the 182 minute epic it was meant to be

Episode VI: Maintenance of the Status Quo

@shulkiesmash:disqus covered my Finn point. As for Rey, we have to bear in mind that Kylo was gravely injured and super on tilt while both battled on a
planet literally exploding around them. It was less that Rey beat him and more that Kylo wasn't going to really beat anyone with any modicum of Force sensitivity. As

I get not thinking TFA is the greatest Star Wars movie ever of all time and space and infinite existence. It's like 4th or 5th or maybe even 6th for me. I even agree that Rogue One was a much better movie and did some things I wish they had been bold enough to do in TFA instead of the boundless fan service we got.

My god. Plot holes? In a Star Wars movie?!?

Probably a good idea to limit Finn to a medical bed. If they showed him doing literally anything else, it would immediately resolve one of the cliffhangers.

At least you came in right before the pod race and missed the opening 45 minutes?

A lot of the talk about stasis makes sense, and the idea of the Light as a trickster is an interesting premise. Just because the characters may be experiencing the supernatural doesn't necessarily mean it's a benevolent presence.

I think there are two reasons for that:
(1) Eddie intentionally has muddied motivations. On the one hand, he wants to keep (his version of) the faith beacause he's genuinely devout. On the other, he really, really, really wants some petty payback against Cal and selfishly (in the grand scheme of things) wants to keep

Which is a shame because there was some excellent style to a bunch of scenes, but so much of it felt rushed to get to the setup for the next season