
"So much for the tolerant left!"

He doesn't really fit into one mold too well. He's generally supported Obama and stated that he was often criticized unfairly. He's also a massive gun control advocate (hence the anti-hunting thing).

A.V. Club commenter humanist finds unlikely common ground between Jefferson Starship's "Jane" and Katy Perry's "California Gurls"

even if the script and dialogue are sometimes really mediocre.

Eh. I think they're going in that direction eventually anyway. At this point, the Marvel juggernaut is so massive that they don't have to rely on the comic book fandom to sustain them. Even then, enough comic book fans will be okay with the changes (as indicated by sales over the past couple years of identity changes

"We really liked how she got naked in Under the Skin and thought that perfectly embodies Ghost in the Shell's ethos"

Well, there is a difference between you liking Sherlock Holmes in general and the kind of absurd fan culture that's emerged from the recent show. In my friend circle alone, I've got multiple people that think it's the greatest show produced in the past few years. One friend of mine went with me to Doctor Strange

On all counts, you're not wrong. That said, even though I liked the movie, I can still see a problem in continuing to limit the possible big roles for Asian actors in big budget movies. It doesn't automatically make an individual movie terrible, but it does perpetuate some bigger problems outside of that movie

If you live a life that has sheltered you from the flood of mainstream Sherlock fandom, then I envy you

In what world does Scar Jo have "the cyberpunk feel"?

In fairness, I'm not 100% certain that it's not set in America. But based on what I've seen, plus what little I've read, in addition to the casting, it sure seems like they're keeping it in Japan.

It's the perfect storm of purist fan culture with clickbait outrage culture. It also doesn't help that they are apparently continuing to set the movie in Japan and using traditional Japanese aesthetics and casting predominantly Asian ethnicity actors for the majority of supporting roles but not the lead.

I generally wasn't interested in seeing Lucy until "when she melts into a thumb drive." Now I must see it

Because destiny is fickle, we've apparently been cursed with a president with the most robust heart possible and the most frail brain imaginable being subjected to toxic baldness treatment medicines

I think the stated concern at the time was that casting an Asian character as an explicitly non-Tibetan role meant pissing off everyone (outside of China) who presumed they were going along with China in trying to pretend that Tibet doesn't exist. And if they kept the character Tibetan, then they lose the Chinese

You Won't Believe What Disney Princesses Look Like as Cookies!

Also, if they're going the sad sack route, why not focus on the same kind of concerns as the first movie? It would be way more interesting to see how a big budget American movie works with a character that has what amounts to an AI developed from life as a human wondering about the point of having a physical body at

This is exactly why I haven't had a huge problem with casting a non-Asian for the role. I would prefer the producers hadn't opted to go with Laziest Casting Possible and bring in ScarJo, and it would be better if it was an Asian woman as they don't get enough decent parts in big American movies, but honestly the

"This is why television representationally outpaces film at every turn."

I actually give Strange more grief than Ghost in the Shell for this kind of lazy casting. At least with GitS, they're taking a little risk trying to start a franchise, and they can plausibly work around it because the whole idea is that the Major's physical body is basically irrelevant (although ScarJo's desire for a