
A friend of mine who's as big a GitS fan as I am really, really wants to see this movie. I have no idea why as it looks like the dumbed down, cliffnotes version of the existing properties

Eh, fair point. Bela "Mr. Wong who is clearly a Fu Manchu knockoff" Lugosi would be more accurate but not as pithy

One workaround I saw suggested was to cast an Asian American as Strange, but then they wouldn't have earned that sweet Cumberbatch fandom money

If we're reaching that far into the bin, why not wait until we've mastered the dark arts of necromancy and bring back Bela "Fu Manchu" Lugosi?

The base will definitely still vote for them. Their concern will be for the 50% of voters who didn't bother to show up, the protest votes against Clinton, and the third party votes all unifying with current Democratic voters against them in the midterms. Not a guarantee, obviously, but it's something

I'm sure their arrogant thinking is that they can't still constrain it for now. Until Trump actively does something that leads to war with an ally or will clearly tank the economy (as in he actively moves soldiers around or does something that will clearly cause a trade war with China), they'll keep hands off. That

They're gonna wait until they can guarantee their guy is on the Supreme Court at a minimum. They'll probably also wait until ACA is definitely repealed, taxes are cut (again), and they make some headway into privatizing social security. In the meantime, they'll keep accumulating evidence, and either when they're

If Adult Swim scheduling/production has taught us anything, it's that all hope is false hope (unless you're Seth MacFarlane)

I agree that both should be held to the same standards. Trump should absolutely be held to the same intense level of scrutiny, the same constant barrage of falsehoods, and the same outright intransigence and obstinance from the legislature and conservative press that Obama had to deal with

In addition to what everyone else has said, Trump did say on the campaign trail that the first amendment, specifically in terms of the freedom of the press, should be restricted

Short of armed revolt or 3 Republican senators spontaneously combusting

I did the reverse with my sister after she refused to acknowledge any hypocrisy after spending a couple months advocating a boycott of the Girl Scouts because of their stance on transgender members followed by her denouncing the liberal boycott of Chik-Fil-A. My blood pressure couldn't handle trying to reason with her.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"

This is what infuriates me about these kind of pedantic conversations on precedent. Why not include all of the details? Milo encourages violence based on prejudice, specifically vilifying minority communities and individuals from these communities by saying they're a threat (to our cultural values or what have you)

…I'm legitimately surprised some Grant Morrison wanna-be hasn't tried that idea out

On that note, when will we get the immersive Seinfeld RPG video game?

No, AV Club's GJI, I will not take the bait to make an "alternative fact" joke.

I thought I couldn't lose any more faith in humanity, and then I clicked and skimmed.

I watched one of the fan cuts making it adhere more closely to what was in the book. As you can probably expect, it felt like almost the entire first movie with about an extra hour tacked on, with what felt like random cameos from Legolas and Kate from Lost

I think if you're looking for that Cap'n Jazz sound, then you're absolutely right. But I think for people who are more in tune with indie rock of that time (or even of the past 10 years) will probably find it more accessible. Even though they have some off-kilter rhythms, the songs tend to follow some fairly