
My girlfriend is from DC, her family still lives there, and we visit frequently. It's for all of the reasons you described that we actually couldn't make it through the first season of House of Cards. The whole thing just felt like an excuse to tar the entire district as a place full of seedy, greedy assholes

I advise against reading Newswire posts in any way remotely connected to Star Wars then

He has an extreme disdain for the press and protestors, to the point that he would like to restrict the first amendment. His criteria for leadership positions in his administration is based more off loyalty than expertise. He wants state supported private industries handling all public concerns with minimal oversight.

The Gap, to me, is still their best work. So Much Staying Alive and Lovelessness is their most accessible. Joan of Arc, Dick Cheney, Mark Twain is probably their most fun. And He's Got The Whole… is thus far their most oppositional and fuck-you-pop-accessibility record

It's definitely an out there album very different from their earlier stuff (it's got more similarities to the Friend/Enemy album than anything else). I get all of the negative critiques. But I kinda like it for all of the reasons people hate it. It's so confrontationally different that it's almost refreshing, even if

1) Let's just get this out of the way now: this show will almost certainly be terrible

Looking forward to drinking until our hearts stop

If they interviews adults, they might actually get coherent, responsible responses.

Yes please!

I don't know what term we would use for the exact opposite of comment-avatar synergy, but this is probably the best example I've seen of it

Same. I'm hoping for a pretty significant turnout in major cities in multiple states (and outside of the traditionally liberal bastions). If enough numbers show up, maybe it will convince the Republican legislators to reconsider their carte blanche support of Trump (even the ones in the hopelessly gerrymandered

The pivotal part of the performance! The climax, if you will!

Uh, I think you mean "The Frailty of Oedipal Masculinity as Rendered by the Traces of the Phallus"

A unique combo of cringe, smug and aloofness which only strengthens the opinions or the idiots who voted for him,

Sure, but we also live in an age where "PizzaGate" is a topic that the news actually has to address, so…

Speak for yourself, pal. I earned my PhD in Shadowy Puppet Mastery, thank you very much.

Clinton was cast as some sort of shadowy, villainous puppet master ordering covert assassinations of her critics, refusing to aid Americans overseas, and selling political favors to foreign individuals and organizations for around three decades. Trump was mocked as an incompetent money grubber for a while and also a

If metaphors are accepted, Trump can play the role of the deep fried Twinkie (although maybe that's more of a simile) while our looming roller coaster economy can serve as the carnival ride

At Fox studios

Perhaps not, but do you really want to tak that chance?