
…I'm not sure I follow. Are bulls hitting each other in an anime or something?

The last scene is Shyamalan coming on camera, telling them they just spent money on something he crapped out in a couple of weeks, shaking his head, and then just walking off screen as the credits roll

The kid rapping over the credits?

Because they're a 19th century cult peddling nonsense and the elders believed they needed some proper fear-mongering to keep the kids in line? I would have been perfectly content with that logic. Layering more junk on top of that just felt superfluous.

No one wants to… fight monsters on a ghost ship or shoot fire in the face of disembodied heads

In all honesty, if asked to pick a novel, pretty sure he would go for The Great Gatsby (for the same oblivious reasons he's gone with Citizen Kane) or Catcher in the Rye (because he was forced to read it at some point in his schooling and it gives him an excuse to call people phonies in the middle of an interview)

Like the same person has this realization? Because what a blissful life that would be to suddenly, every few minutes, have the realization: "Hey… black panthers are black and cool!"

It also features an origin narrative rooted in a European mercenary force attempting to destabilize the nation in order to steal a precious resource for its own uses, only to be repelled by the locals. Hopefully, they stick to that kind of source material and avoid the other kind

My disappointment in Moffat definitely doesn't supersede my general disdain for RTD. His predilections for soap opera romances and ending every season with a massive, universe ending cataclysm to be solved mostly through some deus ex flip switching got really old really fast.

"I guess, we all just see how this could have been hit out of the park."

That episode of Doctor Who was my first moment of pure evidence that no one challenges any idea Moffat proposes anymore. Every time I think of it: flames, on the side of my face, breathing…

When they work, they work really well. That particular episode of Doctor Who and this finale are not examples of it working well.

So terrible. And the scene ended up being basically pointless, except for providing them with a visual metaphor for "Rebuilding Their Lives" at the end of the episode

Maybe that Trump administration ain't entirely terrible after all…

Damn Gen X-ers! They ruined Generation X!

I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Doesn't being a Dave Matthews fan disqualify you from your MFA?

Something, something, fired for that blunder, etc

I just need to be reassured that Moffat and Gatiss actually had some
sort of endgame and had enough self-respect to tie some of these
goddamned threads together.

That's probably true. In fairness, I haven't seen any of the movies nominated, so I was just operating off of how people were talking about the rewards in general (ie, no one's winning anything other than Moonlight, La La Land, and Manchester by the Sea) and the trailers, which looked like pretty typical historical