
I always thought that was an oddly curated bunch to be representative of all the heroes of color. Why not Blue Marvel, Sunspot, or Eden? Where were 3-D Man, Night Thrasher, and Cloak? I mean, they make as much sense as Jericho Drumm and Nick Fury, Jr. being part of some "family"

That's one of the reasons why I think he's gone this particular variety of heroic. His prior acts typically revolved around either proving he's better than Reed and everyone else, protecting those he cares about (mostly just Latveria, but others at time as well), or a combination of the two. With Battleword, he spent

Captain Marvel in general has been a huge disappointment post-Secret Wars. Really bland writing and thin characterizations in general

Yeah, I did that for Axis and Original Sin. I kinda enjoyed CW2 (even though a lot of the major events in the main books were way too casual, and even though a lot of it felt like a lazy way to make some major character changes they wanted to see), so I was pretty on board for it. But that ending was so

Yeah, I wouldn't say I loved CW2, but I didn't particularly mind it either. Maybe being most invested in Ultimates leading up to the cross-over helped with that because that whole book showed Danvers as part of a team trying to prevent catastrophes before they happened based on their extrapolations. Having access to

In fairness, Doom has always gone back and forth between acting for the good of the many and following his petty desires. He did selflessly risk his own life to protect Valeria, the Future Foundation, and Earth during Hickman's Fantastic Four run about five years ago.

Or alternatively, make it more about the characters and how they get along with each other, including the villains. But that requires defter writing than what we see from a lot of Marvel publications right now

I think a lot of the direction that Nazi Cap has been going in ended up being put in stasis until CW2 finished. In fact, the only post-CW2 issue basically picks up in dialogue with Selvig almost exactly where it left off before it became deeply mired in whatever Danvers and Stark were doing at the time. Considering

I dunno. I felt like there were enough good stories going to justify staying on board, plus Marvel seemed interested in investing in smaller scale, stand alone books like Vision and Black Panther, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. But even though I don't absolutely loathe CW2 as much as everyone else around

Regarding (2), I kinda think that they are angling for Eurus to be the way to tie up loose ends. Ever since the end of season 1, I've been hoping against all odds that the Moriarty we've seen on screen is in fact not at all Moriarty but instead the figurehead being put out there, a la Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins

Probably not, but that's a hypothetical we can't compare against because it doesn't really happen with any regularity. In another comment, it was pointed out that no one messed up The Night Of and The Night Manager in any way (despite there being way more similarities), and no one messed up Moonlight and Manchester by

Four movies when you count Moonlight and Loving! It must have been a very difficult year for red carpet…uh…journalists?

Yeah, the thinking I've seen has been more along the lines of "Christ, this shit again" rather than "OUTRAGE 2017!"

"tbh though, those people are less likely to be interested in indie and obscure films" said the bureaucrat who is interested in indie and obscure films

Read that GJI. I'm just being curmudgeonly about the idea of "Wendy's burn" entering the cultural lexicon

If "Wendy's" is one extreme level on the burn spectrum, how are the other levels termed?

In fairness, it is a better comic book movie than some of the ones that have come out since, so maybe it deserves some slightly higher esteem

I think Daredevil's first season did well overall, mostly because of D'Onofrio's performance. Second season had some decent promise, even if the dialogue and plotting was inept, but they tossed that out the window to focus on a poorly written Hand story. As for AoS, I skipped the first season entirely until people

Fair points all. I'm not quite as harsh on Marvel, or even AoS, even though overall it's been a hugely missed opportunity as seasons 1 and 3 were complete garbage, with 2 having some redeeming moments and 4 being entertaining if not particularly original or imaginative or complicated in any way. At this point,

Yeah, I should have specified most people who have watched the movie and had a problem with it probably read the graphic novel first.