
That wasn't her. That was her persona.

And when you find that maneuver too risky, I suggest opening with a Slim Shady feint

Motörhead fans, but basically, yeah

All I've been seeing is people complaining about Tupac making it in, for all of the great reasons you can imagine they'd give.

Maybe it was a hazing for a weird/pretty boring frat?

I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit.

something something 2016's final form…

"Nintendo can't won't keep NES Classic in stock."

I generally agree. I would have appreciated Vader only in that last scene (1) to initiate the chase that leads directly to episode IV and (2) because I appreciated finally getting a scene on screen where we see exactly why everyone was so damn terrified of just him alone and not only the fact that he was always backed

That's where the Rogue One sequel (tentatively titled: Star Wars: Rogue One: One Rogue) comes in!

All I can remember is "bald heads", so you've got one up on me

Wasn't there a whole thing in the 80s and 90s of network stations trying to turn middling movies into shows? War of the Worlds, Alien Nation, and Highlander (middling in this case defined as actual box office profits) come to mind.

If you love 80s cinema (and I mean really love it), then you should check it out. Otherwise, if you've watched all of the show, you've seen most of the interesting bits. The acting is kinda mundane, the visuals aren't all that interesting (unless you like that Miami Vice aesthetic), they have CSI's Will Petersen

….or not

Pizzagate hashtags, obviously

Kinda. I actually had no idea why any of those cameos were a big deal without some googling. But the vibe of the show/responses of the characters were the equivalent of a caption across the screen saying "And featuring Famous Such-and-such…." So I actually have no idea how reputable any of the people that kept

Are there any flattering photographs of Alex Jones?

What are you talking about? They made these high-larious videos! Nothing neutralizes opposition like ridicule!

I was first tuned into the show by musician friends (volunteer orchestra though, so a different experience). I also thought it was a bit silly and melodramatic for the half season I watched before I got bored, but I think part of the appeal is also the constant winking and nodding to people who really like that whole

Maybe it's just the circles I hang out in, but people always give me the impression that they are, at best, ambivalent about XII whereas it was my favorite since Tactics. Maybe people were just irked that you could actually see and try to void fights rather than take three steps on the map before being assaulted by a