James Moar

Mine too, which only seems like an appropriate level of surprise if it actually gives you laser eyes.

Which would involve Serling staring into the camera for a *really* long time.

Might it have been the hidden history that connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids?

Not true. He also wants her released, returned, to be reunited with her, and for her to come home.

They've started taking a slightly more literal approach to "death of the author."

But her ravens!

It's "Another One Bites the Dust" this time.

It's entertaining news, which is more than close enough.

Digging down into villains that don't have the profile but have some interesting concepts would probably help sustain the films from this point.

“people all the time on airplanes tell me that Battleship is one of their favorite action movies.”

Season 1 of the revival is another good starting point.

It's how I've seen most of them.

Assumed it was a sequel to American Gods.
A major character of Anansi Boys is also in American Gods, no other connections. I read them far enough apart that I forgot he was in both.

Yes, Netflix has it. It'll be new episodes weekly, like other current shows (eg Better Call Saul) that Netflix acts as the UK broadcaster for.

It's played down a fair bit after that.

Folklore contains lots of local traditions and inconsistent stories, I think it's the rise of mass media (first print, then film) that's picked out a few ideas as the 'proper' version.

They're all part of the New York Villain Exchange Program.

but I've seen maybe 1% of the things you talk about here.

"This is just charcoal…."