
My absolute favorite humorous Spelunky moment was playing around with the teleporter and accidentally teleporting into the Vault Keeper in a spray of cartoon blood. There are great moments of slapstick to be found in that game, beyond all the times I've thrown a rock and hit myself or stood too close to where an arrow

… I can't feel my legs.

It's a bit harsh to call The War on Drugs an abject failure. They aren't household names or anything, but their albums have had a positive reception with critics and fans.

I upgraded Tonitrus to try and best him, but I think it's a fool's errand. If my Holy Blade is faster, has better reach and is more upgraded, why not just use the bolt paper?


I should be focusing on beating Bloodborne, but I got a little tired of it and I've just run out of steam at the Rom fight. Maybe it's just the sameness of a lot of the atmosphere or the general dreariness of the game. Granted, the Souls series has always been gloomy but I felt like previous entries had a little more

I've played 100 hours of Nuclear Throne and have yet to actually beat the damn final boss. I love it, but I'm just not good at it. But someday I'll get the softball run of my dreams and it will be sweet.

Seriously. I'm pretty sure if I was traumatized with a catchphrase, I wouldn't adopt it myself.

"The Thing lifts his signature catchphrase (“It’s clobberin’ time!”) from
the older brother who beat the shit out of him as a child."

When I was about 10 or so, I read the very first Magic novel and even my undiscerning young palette thought it was awful. But I can believe they've improved over the years, now that WotC has a higher profile.

My grandfather fought for Mishra…. some things are better left in the past.

Son, have I ever told you about the Ice Age?

I love Magic: The Gathering articles on this website because the comments section reminds me of cleaned-up addicts wistfully discussing their greatest binges or a group of Veterans remembering the War.

I love the writing and atmosphere on Sunless Sea, but the gameplay is pretty lacking in my opinion. Too much grinding and the ship to ship combat isn't all that fun.

1. If you've met Albert previously, you can summon him (and possibly another player) to take some of the aggression off of you.
2. Buy some gear with high poison resistance. Father Gascoigne's set is good, as is the Yharnam Hunter attire.
3. The fire paper you get from Albert is a big help, really any fire at all can

I'm not super into speed runs, myself. If I'm going to watch someone else play a game, I kind of prefer it to be more about that person's personality rather than skill level. So, sidestepping the question, the series that I'm personally interested in is Northernlion's Fallout: New Vegas playthrough because he's a

The old Jim Hanley's store across from the Empire State Building had practically everything- the last time I was in the new store, though, the shelves seemed a little bare. Maybe I caught them at a weird time while they were re-arranging stock, but it looked like they had cut back on inventory.

I loved this show when I was just barely old enough for it. So many fond memories; I hope it holds up.

If I have time this weekend, I will continue on my way through Bloodborne. I finished Castle Cainhurst and concluded a certain NPC's quest line. Martyr Logarius was a pretty fun boss battle, especially when I figured out how to parry him. It was really satisfying to be down to the wire with zero bullets left and only

Bloodborne is my absolute favorite so far. I've played so many hours of it without beating it, savoring the experience as long as possible. Few games can match the visceral panic I've felt from entering new areas with new fucked up monsters and trying to figure out how the new ecosystem works.