I know this is a Samsung related post, but I’d really love it if Apple included the Wallet app to manage their Apple Card from other iOS devices as well. This way I don’t feel completely and totally tied to an iPhone to use my Apple Card.
I know this is a Samsung related post, but I’d really love it if Apple included the Wallet app to manage their Apple Card from other iOS devices as well. This way I don’t feel completely and totally tied to an iPhone to use my Apple Card.
I’d be really curious, because lately I’ve seen a HUGE surge of “Disney Supports Fox” statements on twitter. As far as I know, Disney owns Fox, but not Fox News or Fox Sports. Are they just not aware? Or does Disney support Fox via advertisements? Is there a way to see how much Disney gives Fox for ads?
Looks like a cowlick to me
You know what I hate?
Using Google Chrome at night, with the lights off, and surfing the web.
Every time I refresh, or click a link, or do ANYTHING, its a sharp BLAST of pure white that sears my eyeballs.
Living in NJ, its been over 2 months since I’ve gotten a paycheck.
I file my unemployment claim every week like everyone is supposed to.
Unemployment has not paid me, I can not call them to see whats happening. I see this is the case for MANY people. I’m not sure this is widespread across the country, but I know a LOT…
But did it smell?
This is a hard no for me. I’m at peak capacity for streaming services.
Netflix, Hulu, Disney +, Prime Video, and Shudder.
And 5-8 dollars is a lot to pay for throw away media that I can only watch on a phone.
Can it run WOW?
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines had really great facial animations for the time (2005?)!
Friends and The Office are neck and neck for the worst, overrated, trash TV show.
Fight me.
Excuse me, but what are your credentials?
Did you graduate from the Fahey School of Snackology? Otherwise, I can’t trust your snackpinions.
-Council for the betterment of Snackologists
Excuse me, but what are your credentials?
Did you graduate from the Fahey School of Snackology? Otherwise, I can’t…
This seems to defeat the gameplay style of MMOs. Part of the fun of MMORPGs is learning the flights, and exacting out mechanics. It’s like a coordinated dance with a full team.
If bosses learn to change their approach, then you lose a lot of the gameplay style of MMOs.
What will be the solution then? To strong arm the…
I preordered my copy of Animal Crossing from Gamestop expecting a midnight release. Guess I’ll be downloading it from the eShop tonight instead.
In 10 years when this becomes a cult favorite, they’ll release some directors cut steel book or something with the butthole cut. For sure.
No Mothra, No $$$
I own this book, I’ve started it several times and can never get more than 50 pages in. Help me!
Oh derp. I skimmed through the article and didnt see that. Jesus. 350 is insane. Thats more than a brand new switch!
I dont see the price on the website, its quite literally blank. How much is it?
Just mute your notifications and find a better thing to complain about.