
Well, I guess she keeps the baby and doesn’t get an abortion.

Wtf was Nev Schulman doing in Pittsburgh?

I commented on an IG post by Nev a very very very long time ago in reference to the face punching. It wasn’t up for 3 seconds before I got deleted/blocked.

Glad it still got out there.

Razers quality has gone down the toilet. I don’t trust their goods, or their customer service, and their warranties are garbage too.

If they weren’t the only company that makes an MMO mouse for lefties I wouldn’t have no use for them. I’ve had to exchange my mouse 3 times, and even though it works now, it creaks and

Razers quality has gone down the toilet. I don’t trust their goods, or their customer service, and their warranties

I wanna see the receipts!

Regina George: “Kirk, Stop trying to make Destiny 2 happen! It’s not going to happen!”

Why do you have to drag Azealia Banks into this discussion?



Dove aint soap.

Other than that though, I agree.

WTF is Becky wearing???

Literally sold out in 10 minutes. Womp womp.

Epilators are the devils work. Fight me.

Epilators are the devils work. Fight me.

Doesn’t Univision/Fusion own you guys or something?

Fuck Kanye.

Scoopy de do woop. Never forget.

The only reason I get panicky when I get *slightly* separated from the group is because of this bad guy right here! It feels like he’s always lurking the moment you’re just a smidge too far from the group and he just shows up to drag you away.

No one is getting me to stand in NYC heat for hours just to buy a damn phone, that will be obsolete within 5 months.

This was awful.

And those tragic Daredevil sunglasses.

You had me at customizable dongs!

You had me at customizable dongs!

Just picked this up for like 4 dollars, good deal!

Just picked this up for like 4 dollars, good deal!