

No. His face is clear, smooth, and youthful.
His abs look dirty, sketched on by charcoal, almost like a veiny penis.
The difference in art style is jarring.

Not jealous. Sorry not sorry.

Those abs on the box are disgusting.

Correct, Satan was a “mascot” of sorts due to his adversarial nature throughout the bible. They don’t believe *in* Satan, more like what he represents, an outsider that brought knowledge and awareness to Adam and Eve.

Interestingly enough, there was a schism from within the Church of Satan when a small-ish group of

Putting your own oxygen mask on before assisting others with their oxygen masks on a plane, is a very Satanic thing to do.


The Church of Satan has a very sensible approach to modern day living.
The only issue is the CoS needs to evolve past the “Satan” aspect, just drop that theme and let go of the baggage that comes with “devils”.

They are an atheist “religion” that “worships” the self and free (safe) expression. They want their members to

Besides the general explanations for the different farm “themes” does it come with a difficulty curve? The islands seemed like fun but I assumed it was a higher difficulty than the “base” farm. Also, do the monsters in the final farm “theme” pose a significant threat a-la-fortnite?

My mother is a very special animal.
She has never had a VBAC. She *requested* a C section for me and my brother and sister. When the doctor declined her request, she declared that if they don’t do the C section, she’ll hold her breath until her pressure goes up and they’ll have to, so why not just avoid all that and

Pokemon X&Y > Sun&Moon

Between this, Odyssey, and Darkest Dungeon, you won’t be seeing me for a while.

Why can’t the button be repurposed?
I miss the good ol’ days of having 1-2 “convenience” keys on my BlackBerry.

I feel really bad how the Co$ is running such an intense smear campaign against her. The ads I’ve been seeing on youtube about her and her dad are terrible and I hope people see them for what they are.

The music controls while locked are HORRIBLE.

NO ONE is going to mention that screenshot BULLSHIT that covers up the bottom left of my screen for entirely TOO LONG?

Seriously, I rage every time I screenshot.

No, it’s a question that I’m asking.

Is this a D2 specific issue?
Or an MMORPG issue?

The way this review was formatted was very blah.

It’s also hideous.

It’s also hideous.

Zarya and Sombra look terrible.
Mei looks whitewashed.
Otherwise they all mostly look great.

WTF is Zarya even doing, charging up a rasengan?

The N word gets everyone all galvanized, but the F word, Gay?
It gets thrown around everywhere and no one cares.