
I bought the Voyage during the black Friday sale, it was the advertisement version.

And then the following pay day I paid to get rid of them. Just buy the dang thing and get rid of the ads later! So it didn’t feel like it was that much more, and you can do it whenever you like.

Buy it!

The Voyage changed the way I read,

I bought the Voyage during the black Friday sale, it was the advertisement version.

And then the following pay day I

So then explain to me why is there such a huge difference between female to female options, and male to male? It’s more than double.

I don’t get that logic at all. Why would “X” person sleeping with me, as a male in my game, change the story for someone else, just because “X” slept with them, as a female.

Same story.

IDK. I HONESTLY DON’T EVEN CARE THAT MUCH. I just don’t see why some people CARE SO MUCH, that it’s viewed as “wrong” or “game

Gurl, it’s a video game. Calm down.

I guess, why not. Straight people ask me all the time why I’m not straight.

Yep, that’s exactly the case. You hit the nail right on the head buddy.

This game has humans?
I thought it was all just robots and aliens given how terrible the facial animations are.

They ruined that immersion with their shitbox facial animations.

Exactly my point!
If I can bang a space kitten warrior, why can’t I bang the cute pilot of my choice?

I honestly don’t care. This is a single player game, and if I want to romance the cutest soldier twink in the game I should be able to... because why not!
Everyone is bitching that it reduces how realistic it makes interpersonal interactions, and to that I say,
Their shit facial animation reduces how realistic the game

I find strict heterosexuality hard to believe, in such an advanced, evolved time period.
I mean, you can bang an alien, which may or may not have reproductive organs similar to our own.
I’d expect the future to be far more gender fluid, and forgiving of what genitals a person possesses, and how much those genitals may

Yes, what I am asking is why even limit who can romance who?
If I roll a female, that wants to romance a male, or a female, why limit which characters I can do that with anyway?
It’s just dumb.
If you can fuck an alien, why can’t I fuck x/y/z male character while I’m playing as a male?
It’s just a dumb, unnecessary

I don’t get why it’s so hard just to let anyone fuck whoever they want.
Like why even put restrictions on that sort of thing?

Dream Drop Distance is that 3DS exclusive right? I’m so excited to play through this game you have no idea!

Omgoodness. She looks like a less pretty Fiona the Ogre from shrek.

So I can get this and catch up on KH 1 and 2 in time for 3?

OMG that line. I rolled my eyes so fucking hard.

Dumb question, but is Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix KH 1-2 + other stuff, just remastered for the PS4? So I can finally catch up for KH 3???

Sweet Green Jesus, those faces are so dang bad.
Who the heck okay-ed that animation?

I really thought when Marnie and Hannah were hiding from Desi under the table that *maybe* Marnie had that breakthrough moment. But it seems like that’s not the case.