
Go to gizmodo.com this is on their website. Not everyone cares about strangers getting pregnant, get a grip- there’s actually real, pressing stuff going on.


Why is this garbage on Gizmodo?
Unless TIM COOK is pregnant with twins it should not be on here.

I picked up on Transcendental Meditation in September
(paid for the course) and I like it, but hear such terrible things about it online. Why?

The biggest complaint I get is the fee, but honestly I didn’t feel it was so exorbitant. It was like 900 over a few months, and I feel like I got a life long skill I can use in

Has anyone else struggled with Dissociation as a result/side-effect of meditation?

I love Overwatch. I wish there was a way to explore the maps without so much urgency. I feel like there is so much to explore but you’re so busy playing and attacking/defending you never get to really take in your surroundings.

How do these Lucio players practice all this wall riding? I’d love to practice these skills

I used to ask for secret sauce :3

Fahey! FAHEY! Don’t cast pearls before SWINE!

I’ve been using the Add Mac Sauce to my McDouble for forever now, and it’s my favorite secret MCD trick ever.

Shame on you!

PS I love you, you’re doing the snacktaku lords work.

Evil Within was caca, the rest were good though.

It’s 2017 and I *still* hate that batmobile.

Legion is easily my favorite expansion to date (well maybe not as much as Wrath but still) and I love almost everything about it.

Except like I mentioned some of the choices made about AP- which don’t really affect me *anymore* given that my research is maxed out on all 3 of my characters.

AND how about how some of the

I guess thats all relative, there are many people who are annoyed by this, me included.
I see what you’re saying about no point in respeccing, then why offer that option? I did it once, luckily at a lower level and didn’t lose much. But had I done it at a later level I would’ve had an aneurysm lol

I feel the same exact way, super fun, and satisfying, but the story just felt lost on me.

I thought this game was great, as an open-sandbox-free-for-all type of game. But I couldn’t complete the story, I just ran around and kicked ass and enjoyed myself.

World of Warcraft. Artifact Power.

How many times have you guys clicked it, only to realize you weren’t in the right spec??? Or selecting the option to respec and realizing NOOOOOO you lost a whole trait in the process?

Yea, depending on your area it may or may not be easy to get involved in the community. There is a very strong sense of secrecy because of the persecution during slavery times, and current day modern stigmas.

Az. Banks is a nutcase for sure, another rule she kinda broke is the Orisha are supposed to be kept

Actually Wicca is it’s own religion, with its own belief system. That’s like saying I practice Catholicism therefore I am an authority on xyz in some other religion.

Azealia Banks practices Santeria and Palo Mayombe, which does in fact practice animal sacrifice. She is crowned (initiated priest) with Yemaya, the mother

Damn, I just bought an Alienware 17 R4 with a 1070 card. Womp womp.

How can someone so cute, be so loathsome?

I learned something new! thanks! Will definitely make use of this now!

Will definitely give that a try then.
I was sitting on the sofa, and played about up to the VHS tape, and couldn’t take much more.