They haven’t given you a reason to want this over a Ps4/XBone?
Other than the fact that you can take it where you can’t take the PS4/Xbone?
They haven’t given you a reason to want this over a Ps4/XBone?
Other than the fact that you can take it where you can’t take the PS4/Xbone?
Pokemon Moon/Legion/Overwatch/Skyrim
Debating on picking up Rise of the Tomb Raider, not sure if I could possibly play anymore stuff tbh.
I want the cheapest laptop possible to run WOW. I have a super old laptop (ANCIENT DELL INSPIRON) that currently runs WOW on bare minimal settings. I don’t game other than WOW, and really can’t fathom sinking over 700 dollars for one game.
Please halp. I’d prefer a laptop, but I’m sure everyone will shout about how…
I didn’t read any of the spoilers because I DON’T WANT TO BE SPOILED, but what I gathered from the small excerpt and title is, once you become champ, you’re actually friggin’ treated like the reigning champ and get challenged as the champ to keep your title? Is that the case? If so, IM SO EXCITED AND GLAD THEY FINALLY…
Okay, I drive a very normal, very basic 2014 VW Jetta. If I stop at the line on a stop light, I can’t see the stop light at all! I have to contort my head to just see the light! I’ve never had that problem before, and before my Jetta I drove a Fiesta! What gives!
Sweet Jesus that Unicorned man is gorgeous.
Okay terrible question. I started pokemon last night, picked up my mystery gift munchlax. I didnt go to the pokemon center yet to actually GET the gift. If I restart the game, will I lose that gift?
I would love you forever and ever and ever and ever!!!
I love bird pokemon, and braviary is my FAVORITEEEEEE :(
Now I am forced to pick between my love for the MOON and my love for FEATHERED PERSONIFICATIONS OF ‘MURICA.
I was ALL ABOUT Pokemon Moon until I noticed Rufflet/Braviary was a Sun exclusive. WHYYYYYYYY >.>
EXACTLY, people are bitching over a 10 dollar Mario game.
My favorite part was the wonder of playing a game where ANYTHING is a possibility. I remember finding a scroll that allowed me to jump HIGH AF and then fall, SPLAT to my death. So random, loved it.
Or crafting spells that can zero out your mana but decimate a whole room in the process. Or max out your jumping…
Morrowind was my favorite Elder Scroll game. 100%.
I sunk so many hours into that game, it’s unreal.
Serving a dick? Sign me up.
Um? There are many pokemon games that you can’t catch/train a Charmander, so how many pokemon games have you skipped?
Transfer one if it’s that important.
Yes, this is an XBone post, but we can have all these cool things on our consoles, but PS4 still won’t let us edit/customize our homescreen?
I have been really, REALLY enjoying Legion so far. It’s great.
My one and only complaint though, is that Legion has basically killed off the Alt.
I have every class (except Demon Hunter) to 100. I started leveling my rogue first, and got her to 110. Questing, has been great, and the artifact power grind has been…