
Sounds like it’s not serving your purposes better than the others if you’re on here whining about Mittomo not available on your OS.

I would jump on that in a heartbeat, but I’m too scared about the region locking and language barrier :(

This is the most beautiful thing ever. Orange is my favorite color too. I want it so bad.

So when is the best time to trade in my Wii U? All I ever played on it was Smash Bros (for 3.5 seconds), Hyrule Warriors, Windwaker, Kitteh Mario, Bayonetta, and Splatoon. I don’t see myself playing anything else really thats upcoming aside from the New Zelda which will be on the NX surely. Should I trade it in and

Why is my only response to this post “YAAAAAAS DADDY” ?!

ZAYN, is life. Zayn is just so fucking hot. Like seriously. Hot damn.

I seriously love all this stuff. All their weird niche stuff, it makes my life. I miss The Tim and Eric awesome show.

OMG and just with the words “POWER STONE” I was won over. MUST HAVE.

“Halfway thru netflix and chill and he looks at you like....:

I had the same thing happen at work on friday, it was terrible. I turned on my computer only to find it was already installed and all my printer drivers in the office were gone. I spent 2 hours on the phone with Microsoft. It was a TERRIBLE morning.

Speak for yourself, I secretly wish people cancel plans all the time to be alone. So I can be in bed, alone. Sometimes when I hear the phone, I get excited hoping theyre calling/texting to cancel. I seriously hate making plans in advance because its always a crapshoot from one week to another for how I feel.

The guy on the top right is a real cutie.


And trying to finish up Until Dawn with 100% survival rate.

I worked at a Benihanas in NJ. If you only KNEW what went on in the kitchen it would NEVER make the top of the list. Disgusting, over priced food.

I <3 your name

An african american voting hillary, is like a gay voting republican.
/rings bell

NCsoft is behind GW2, so will this maybe (please) possibly be coming to mac ?

I’m in NJ

I live in NJ, and I’m kind of a democrat. I mostly prefer to vote only for people would choose to not openly and actively oppress people based on gender or sexual orientation.

Why does it seem that EVERYONE hates trump (me included), but he’s so AHEAD of everyone? He’s DISGUSTING. How can anyone vote for him?