James McRee

Thank you for validating my vasectomy.

BMW does a good job at integrating the side marker on some M models (when they want to).

...and if you let others compare the Ferrari fire to the McLaren’s fire, you won’t be invited to buy a limited edition Ferrari fire again.

The Ferrari salesman, meanwhile, would explain why the fire is a feature, and how it sets Ferrari apart from those other brands....

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.

Impeding traffic? What was behind him, the Mayor's Veyron?

You win. If it breaks, throw it away.

Welp, she's a keeper

You are a terrorist.

We're not quite sure what the "fracas" was, but we'll be updating as we get more information.

No one would watch it without him. They know that, and I hope the producer gains some sense. Clarkson has been doing his job for well over 25 years.
