James McRee

QUIET let me dream.

Yeah, so says the NHTSA. But the NHTSA also says the Dodge Caliber is a light truck so we don't listen to them anymore.

plus you can fuck in them

Also part Jiffy Lube.

First: I absolutely love watching the local news in TX when there is a "Holy Shitballs Wintermageddontastrophy". I watched the Same poor girl in Austin this morning reporting that cars were driving slow over a bridge, and that a literally black fence had black ice on it, like 5 times. Couldn't stop watching. They

Good stuff, Chris. I don't think enough auto journalists view jobs the way they should - as critics of a product that people spend a lot of money on and have an important role in the global economy. (Too many guys in it for the free cars and shrimp, but that's another issue.)

The automatic transmission. Someone came up with the idea that the car should actually shift gears for you. It strikes me as odd. Why would anyone want to remove so much of the driving experience? Should I buy a robot to play with my dog for me?

I can see the headline now

Why not Zoidberg?

dual zone climate control is overrated

Not trolling, but I can see this being said in the engineering department at Porsche...in a German accent of course

No, but that would make the best Hellcat bumper sticker ever - "My other car is a Prius"

I switched off at "liberal greener motherfuckers." What a raging mush-mouthed asshole.

People said that about water cooled cars, and the advent of a 4WD 911 Turbo such as the 993.