
Oh no?

Pls don’t compare Oprah to Hillary.


Armies of drug-dealing murderers are not “disenfranchised victims.”

The South Side of Chicago is one of the most violent places in the world.

Are the drive-by shootings in Chicago considered public or private shootings?

Not surprising.

You tell me. What of them?

No, you do not.

It is amazing to me that with all the education Western Cultures have there are still some that believe in the Good Witch of the East.

It is my sincere hope that your daughter gets better. I wish there was something I could do for you, but I doubt there is.

I, more than most, will defend freedom of speech. I believe in it and I find it essential to Western Democracy.

I agree that thoughts do effectively nothing, much like prayers to the magical and wonderous bumblebee in the sky. Eliminating the idea that prayers are an effective tool to implement positive change should be the goal of all intellectuals, however.

It was both, but if you’re taking this to a literal level then the bullets and explosives were the cause, or even the very simple cause of quickly moving particles in general, or spontaneous bursts of energy.

I like that definition of prayer as well, to be at the bow of one’s thoughts, but most people do not recognize that definition. Therefore if we want to convey that something is foremost on our minds, we must say exactly that. The idea that “prayer” means something other than asking the fairytale godmother in the

Yes, it’s that “wish” part that is offensive. At some point we need to admit that wishes are just hopes made to some bearded sky fairy, be it Moses or Muhammet. Playing a role in continuing the religious fantasy does more harm than good. Prayer is a fantasy, and as someone who is intellectual enough to understand that

As an atheist I find the “prayers” for Paris particularly offensive.