
Well she is female, so you only can compare her to Thatcher?

Well I honestly thought that the Major would have had a husband and kids.

I've seen the movie yesterday. I also had fears that too much of the movie would focus on Major's "family" or whatever. But that's not the case so don't worry. Even one scene were something as hockey as that could've happened the actively take a step back from that idea.

In the movie she was created 1 year ago. So yeah her acting does fit, not everything has to be the same as in the anime.

Very conservative viewpoint for a lefty…

I thought the same about Legend, but I was wrong

Well seeing almost the whole cast is female lawyers, it's probably going to be about an all female firm. Which brings in the struggle/fight!

Either The Good Place gets really really good after the first 3 episodes I saw, or that's a pretty crazy rank. That's like where you would rank Parks.

I suppose, you can nitpick a lot with TFA, same as what they did with the prequels. But yeah they didn't have to motivation to do is because the end product was fine in their minds.

I say, I only deem movie analyse worth my attention when the film is fresh on the circuit and can almost be seen as an advertisement to go see it.

Honestly thought was on the level of Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1… but that's still not amazing in my book.

Still this is two weeks after the premiere. I get that they want best sold movie of all time, but it’s just one screen.

Well stealing the property of the jewish population might make my top 5. And that usually was a lot of works of art as well.

But the Nazis are such an easy target, no one will defend them :P

Well the guy with the baby underway is guiding other people and is making a living out of it. If anything he is probably the only one with a real motivation. But yeah it's still stupid I suppose.

Well you could argue First Person mode brings to much scrutiny to the textures in GTAV.
It's a huge open world, meant for the third person and if you use first person, sure it could look less than great.

Pretty much all of the modern fighting games that get released on consoles, are on PC.

That's largely D'Angelo's intent, just like Beyonce last year.

Sort of?

Well Kanye did call Drake the new 'mainstream' hip-hop dude