
And you would LOVE IT, because you clearly have a fan-martyr complex.
You’d be able to further entrench yourself in the opinion that you’re better fans than everyone else. And the hatred you receive...and the way you rise above it just proves that.

If douchebag fans like you didn’t exist, Deadspin wouldn’t run those


Ya gotta call out idiocy or else people will believe it and be led astray. Look at how many poor sad college kids take up Ayn Rand, misled by the fact that her books are placed on the same shelf with the other philosophy books, which makes them think her ideas are something to be taken seriously. And then you wind up

True cycling fans dispose cheater’s body on the spot.

Ken Williams recently advised me to significantly scale back the time that my son spent in the clubhouse. Later, I was told not to bring him to the ballpark at all. Obviously, I expressed my displeasure toward this decision to alter the agreement we had reached before I signed with the White Sox.

Who’s calling this?

I’m so sick of hearing about the fucking shield. It is a goddamn sports league not a covert military group.

Your move, Yale.

I think it brought his plot to an epic conclusion. It showed how far he was willing to go for his fire god, that he would do anything for it. Then, in classic GoT fashion, it was all for nothing.

They are not there on sports scholarships. Yale does not have athletic scholarships.

I’ve watched enough to make sweeping generalizations.

I can’t stop laughing at how he runs towards the basket at the end.

Depends on the record. Several were in play tonight. Steph tied the record for most 3s in a game (12), broke the record for most 3s in a season (which he broke the year before, which he broke the year before that), and the Warriors set the record for the earliest clinching of a playoff spot.

Is Peyton not allowed to sign with any other team?

Having not read the story in question, this quote seems to be the nub of the issue.

Look. His hands are small. He knows. But, come on. They’re not yours, they are his own.

If this guy plays in the upcoming season after the video comes out Ray Rice’s head will explode and Janay Rice will have to apologize for it

I think my favorite part of all this Manning drama is that the networks are afraid to report on it much since they all want to hire him as a broadcaster.

OWNER OF THE PHONE (the county, it was a work issued phone) WANTS THE FBI TO UNLOCK IT.

I won’t spoil anything from the books, but the Karstarks are... complicated. However, the big thing is that everyone hates the Boltons. Not only are they up-jumped, but their treatment of the smallfolk and the less-powerful houses has generated an incredible amount of ill will throughout all of the North. I mean, the