
credit to @KarisaMaxwell

Absolutely. Fuck his Dad, and fuck the NCAA too. If you want to argue Cam should be getting paid, then I say amen. If you think Cam’s dad getting paid to twist his son’s arm isn’t fucked up, then you and I are on different pages.

I fucking love this guy. I can’t imagine how cynical and cold you have to be to think that this dude means any sort of ill will to anybody, and isn’t just having the time of his life playing football. It’s fun to watch, and that’s the entire point of sports.

Hey, remember when St. Louis threw a bunch of public money at the NFL to steal a team with an established fanbase back in the mid-’90s, and they were the bad guys? Karma’s a bitch, and James Busch Orthwein can finish that bag of dicks Bob Kraft gave him in ‘94. St. Louis had to settle for the Rams, and you live by the

Not a CFB fan, I had no horse in this race, but seeing Dabo so pissed off sure is satisfying.

The refs on the field called it immediately. The guys in the booth recognized it for what it was. The NFL feels it merits a three game suspension.

Damn, imagine how severe it would have been if Roger had seen the video.

Being more likely than not aware of deflated footballs is officially worse than multiple attempts to injure players.

This guy wrote an entire article on a Liverpool match without ever mentioning the name of the other team.

When I was looking at schools for PhD I was offered money to go there.

I don’t know what being “respected” or a “fan favorite” has to do with anything. What’s the opposite of an ad hominem attack?

You’re confusing the organized competitive cheerleading squads with what the NFL does, which is basically just hire dancers.

Yup. Fuck all this, “Well, at least he—-”. No. NO. The guy fucking sucks. End of story.

I hope this means he gets a bigger role in season 4.

Now playing

Truly there is no Joey Crawford moment greater than this one, which always goes overlooked when people hate on him. Crawford, an uncoordinated, lumbering oaf, accidentally fouls Damon Jones with 18 seconds left in a tight game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals. To cover his own ass, he then immediately blames

Jalopnik truthers are the fucking worst.

If she’s watching a game, then at least she’s taking a break from all those Planned Parenthood videos.

This is hucksterism at its most irrelevant and, yet, most spineless. Carly Fiorina may, somehow, be the saddest clown in this whole show.

This is Cops if you took away their guns