
@loki007: Israel? I only know of the one they bombed in Iraq... what was the other one?

@gemcosta: Haha I love the last reference!

@theomni: The gestures are awesome, almost too much so though lol. I hate using other people's computers since none have the gestures, it takes forever to do any single task.

Real power users use Opera. I have tried chrome, but opera is hands down my choice :) The mouse gestures make the surfing process 10x faster, and no others have it native (and the add-ons are clumsy at best).

@casperiv: Just a speculation but even if we were not at war, most of the funding for the military would be there at that rate. Take a look back in time, military spending has always been as high as it is now, for like 30 years or more!! Might even be longer than that...

@schunniky: I believe you are correct... Though when they went to the moon ALL of the funding was concentrated on a single program. Every launch was dedicated to the moon or research to get to the moon. Now the program covers many avenues and a huge array of programs (mars rovers, etc).

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: I will agree that the majority of Americans don't appreciate the space program... BUT, I will say that cuts to it are uncalled for, regardless of popularity. Being president-or a leader for that matter-is not about doing what is popular, it's about doing what is best for your people (or

@mangonights: Hacking together a major engine into a light airplane and tosing an awesome gun is a little easier than making a stealth fighter that can go mach2. I see your point but you have to realize that as things progress, it takes longer and longer to break new ground. Think about athletes today vs 80 years

@Xagest: It's kinda like the fat kid saying I eat because I'm depressed, and when I'm depressed I eat... SO yeah we are screwed.

@junyo: I like the punch line at the end. Haha.

@k2001: Is there a correlation between your communication skills and school funding?

@Skunky: Not any better. The better photos are attributed to two things, size and the adaptive optics. If it were in space it would just simply not use the adaptive optics, but the size is still there.

@thinkthis: The prize is also for a solution, not necessarily the cleanup itself. Like the spaceshipone, the money was a bonus for being the first, but they use the money as a stepping stone to future business.

@rewards: Also to note, I have heard that ultimate high end projections is that the earth can support up to 12 billion humans, and we are at like 7 or so?

@rewards: Kind of a grim and dry response, but to answer your question:

Except that there is a huge amount of science in the design of the uranium. The material has to hold together long enough to sustain a reaction, which is very difficult. Think about it like this, you setup a gun style bomb and shot the plug, now when the plug makes contact the rest of the material it will

@maximum_sarge: Well I guess I should go ahead and eat my shoe for missing the cardinal rule of not reading everything.... Damn.

@maximum_sarge: Do you have any idea how unbelievibly SLOW the govt is to do anything? And now you want them to take control of a crisis which they know nothing about and just whilly nilly a solution together?