I did notice that the enemies seem much tougher now, so I was a lot more generous with surprise rounds and advantage/disadvantage for everyone.
I did notice that the enemies seem much tougher now, so I was a lot more generous with surprise rounds and advantage/disadvantage for everyone.
Unusually for me, this week started off with some tabletop gaming. Specifically, I started to run the Dungeons & Dragons 5E starter adventure Lost Mine of Phandelver for son_limey & lost_wifey.
RE7 is interesting because it has a lot of different types of horror; the jumpscares are definitely my least favorite, but I’m a huge fan of the way it builds tension in the chase/hunting sections. And as ever, combat immediately defeats terror; even if I die, it makes the whole thing “just a game” rather than a…
Jump scares in VR are just too much for me in general. Some wolves attacked me in Skyrim and I had to “nope” right out of it.
“The pizza! His mouth! It works on so many levels!”
“Cuarón’s film had heart, but Folded-Up Pizza In The Mouth had a folded-up pizza in the mouth!”
Cons: Mushy and sentimental tripe meant to flatter liberal audiences
What monster told you that shields were bad in Dark Souls? That’s silly. Bloodborne is the one where shields are useless. You can play DS without a shield, but they work quite well. (I’m not particularly great at games, but I managed to finish both Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls, and I definitely had a shield.)
Sir, this is an Arby's.
Salutat~RE6: Shinigami! You can’t escape your DESTINY!
Reading this has reminded me that I totally ditched Bloodborne for RDR2. I want to get into it because after a rough start, I had a taste of the combat and atmosphere clicking and going “I GET IT, THIS IS GREAT” before that evaporated in a mist of exhaustion. It was like that word on the tip of your tongue, you could…
I still haven’t finished 2, but I remember when I started it I was really disappointed that he had a voice actor. I mean it makes sense, because you could only do so many entries in a story-driven franchise where the protagonist doesn’t say a word but it was still a bit disappointing.
So, I’m playing Resident Evil (the remake). This isn’t my first time trying to get through it—I think I actually owned a PS2 at one point, and watched my friend Dave play through most of the original RE on it—although I’ve never actually finished it before. I’d really like to get through it; survival horror is one of…
Some unmentioned games:
I’m not very good with scary games but, outside of the usual suspects here, I’d say a sequence in a game that really gave me the shits was escaping the hotel in Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
Return of the Obra Dinn sounds pretty great! Pirates! meets Rashomon with lovably retrofitted mystique. Adding it to my queue.
Yes, absolutely keep up the pressure, because as soon as it stops it will never re-start...never. Any long-time separation will lead to the “reunion” meeting where more time is spent catching up than doing any actual activity.