
All you liberal dipshits on here crack me up. All you’re good for is sitting around on your fat lgtbqrs asses watching the view. Fucken anti semite muslim shit in congress, stupid worthless green deal (What a joke), baby killers, ya your party is a fucken joke. God will have the last laugh on you soulless baby

Sorry you poor, you dumb fuck

Jusr wait for the civil war dipshit, it’s coming. Better go get your guns, oh that’s right, you don’t believe in them. Fucken snowflakes. Lmao

Wby don't you suck my conservative Republican dick. 

Im so sick and tired of these liberal sheep. So just because a guy who can rap (big fucken accomplishment in life) hits it big, means he’s exempt from our immigration laws? All you people calling to abolish ice for upholding the law, just wait until one of your relatives is harmed, killed, rapped by someone who isn’t

You stupid a** liberals, is this all that you really have left? I have a sense of humor and can laugh at things whether i agree with the point or not. But anyone who thinks the SNL skits are funny, are just reaching for straws. They are ridiculous, and SNL stopped being funny many many years ago. Hey, whatever keeps