Bullshit, he never turned right! I don't what video you saw... Stewart has less of a history of being a dick than a ton of drivers. It's not like he's a Busch brother.
Bullshit, he never turned right! I don't what video you saw... Stewart has less of a history of being a dick than a ton of drivers. It's not like he's a Busch brother.
You know WHY Ward is sitting out? He got out of his goddamn sprint car all pissed off and approached other sprint cars on a hot track. And "free pass" my ass. You need a caution lap on commenting.
Hey, was that Crown Vic? More like a drown vic................ (do I win?)
yeah like make your own heists. ^_^
I wonder if the driver knew he was on the roof? Obviously he new something hit the roof but in the immediate aftermath of a wreck the instinct is to get the hell off the road.
This is such an overreach by the NBA. Silverspoon rushed to judgement because a mob, running a racially chharged, politically correct witch hunt threatened to "boycott" the league: Surrrre, with their multimillion dollar cribs and expensive foreign cars. Show me the damage to the NBA, other than the damage Doc Rivers…
The website Dirty Hero has dug up a fantastic old treasure trove of hand-drawn custom van styling tips that…
Why can't people just be happy that they have the freedom to live their lives however they want and not try to push their agenda on everybody? Why does everyone have to agree with you?
But you don't get that in our modern enlightened and tolerant society; every opinion is permitted as long as it is exactly aligned with the major modes of thought in this instant in time.
N64 has one of the WORST full catalogues on any Nintendo console. There's maybe 10 really good games and 3-4 great ones. Nostalgia glasses off people.
Well i know plenty of Bronies (Although i didn't care for the show), and they are normal heterosexual guys who have wives. Their wives watch it with them sometimes too. There is nothing wrong with adults watching cartoons. It doesn't affect anyone..
It's time to say it. Look, video gamers. I am sure you are all good, fine people, but please leave your crap out of our shows about ponies. Every time I turn around its video games this, video games that. All the forums I read are plague by video games. Give it a rest, you deviants.
3 of them are married, 1 is engaged, pretty sure the other two have girlfriends, and they're making good money while doing this. Nice try jerk.
I'll wreck a city in a lego store.
She HAD used the button before - it was established a few minutes earlier as they were crawling through the factory.