Jimmy McNulty


*40 watt womb

read this to the tune of ♫ I know what boys like

Hey, you were there too?! Folks were dancing, having a blast.

one small problem is this: many (potentially non metal) people might read this article (or just glance through it) and think that Inquisition and Marduk are Nazi bands. The Onion AV Club is probably bigger than most metal blogs and so you've reached a large audience of impressionable minds, who could now be considered

choice #1: power metal (edit: was just a joke)

one small piece ov advice: research Inquisition instead of going by this author's claims.

it's the blog where Nice People Go To Discuss Metal!

No, there isn't a Nazi band called Inquisition. There IS a metal band called Inquisition which is thought to be Nazi-affiliated by some parties, and not by many others.

are you positive it's DISQUS which is disallowing the usage of that word, and not the webmaster of the specific site?

i found a Disqus profile called "The Taco Bell bell" who says BONG at appropriate times and i picked a random time to see the circumstances. a few entries below i find you!

oh hai

Its Donald Glover. (Nice Clone High avatar bro)

No, Ann Coulter.

but… dat Karen Gillan!