
This part doesn't seem all that mysterious/sinister. A Corporations primarily goal is to make $$. Nannybot, companion bot, butler-bot sex bot, surrogate childbot ,soldier bot

Totally agree. Plus equally as frustrating it seemed like the therapist has been written in magic negro/ black sidekick cliche

The joke being Borstein ( with a little help from Mcfarlane)could probably buy the CW

Even at this young age why Julie Stiles is not only the most successful but the greatest actress of her generation

This is actually a fiction. Comedy Central didn't offer Oliver, Bee Williams any of the correspondents the show. It gave them the chance to save face by saying they didn't want the job/turned it down. The Hollywood equivalent of saying you're "leaving to spend more time with family" or " pursue other areas" .Oliver

Wow Sponsored Content! Thanks Av club!

adding insult to injury.

Noah has a better chance of growing into Craig Kilborn then Jon Stewart. He's a chat show host which is fine, but utterly unsuited to anchor what the Daily Show evolved into under Stewart. I don't hate Billy Bush, he does a good job of hosting hollywood tonight but I wouldn't want him sliding over to replace Charlie

What has CBS done to Colbert? His presence and physical appearance are unrecognisable from the man we knew. He seems meek and unsure of himself. Why are they dressing him like some hipster insurance salesman?. Seeing Jon Stewart behind a desk again… sigh

After a friend showed me some disturbing articles about Wentworth Miller I find it impossible to watch or support any project he's involved in. I encourage people to read up on him starting with a piece in the New Yorker

Was the original fished and then tossed out script for Beyond ever released

Donald Glover must be pissed. Guess jumping ship from Community with visions of Spiderman, movie and music stardom wasn't the best idea.

I agree lazy, frustrating ,writing.

Was Krumholtz cursed by a gypsi after the numbers wrap party? he looks liked he's aged about 30 years.

I was there last year as part of my job at HBO. If they were there I didn't see any presence. The rest of NBC's shows like Constantine and The Black List couldn't avoid even if you plucked your eyes out, maybe to add some elan to a martini .

Ironically if NBC had had to pay/had something and needed to promote/supported it it with a proper time slot, advertising etc it could have performed at the same level as True Detective. Heck just having a panel at comic con would have tripled the ratings.

can't be their has to be a rail to go off of

Very true. Murphy seems to have a limited attention span before he gets bored and just starts phoning it in. His earlier series popular and nip/tuck at least had excellent first seasons before going off the rails.

"Benefits of a classical education" The "American Morbidity Museum" is actually named the Mütter Museum (jars and all) and located on UPenns campus. I went there as part of a field trip for a Bio Ethics class.