
These will not be “white collar workers”. They will be blue-collar workers laboring in a physically demanding workplace with an over-arching emphasis on productivity at the loss of their own health and safety, according to the endless anecdotal reports from employees and former employees.

I applaud the purpose of the article, to raise compassionate and caring children. We want to bring up kids to be empathic, however - not empathetic.


The dissonance is screechingly loud... 

Stephen Colbert nailed it when he called him a “Cross Fit vampire”. This man has no empathy for anyone and this also explains why he hasn’t done a damned thing to help Americans. He is a soul-less asshole, one more REPUBLICAN nutjob who never failed to back Trump the Unfit. Good riddance!

Trump: America’s Nightmare Before Xmas

Gosh, I do: he’s hot.

I applaud your speaking truth to that privilege, Monique. Valid criticism is simply that - valid.

I recall Stephen Colbert calling Paul Ryan a “crossfit vampire”...

I have a couple that spring to mind: Procol Harem’s Whiter Shade of Pale and The Eagles’ Hotel California.

I have some more questions for Trump the Unfit:

A very sweet cover of this sweet song - thanks.

I had the joy of meeting John Waters in person in Chicago at a film festival in the early 1980s. I introduced myself, we shook hands, and he was genuinely touched that I spoke with him, telling him how much I loved his creativity and wit.

Eudora is a great program. I’m surprised it’s still around!

I reclaimed all of the space on my internal drive by removing Windows 10 and installing Ubuntu 18.04. Not only did I reclaim a ton of drive space, the laptop works faster and better with Linux installed.

Here is how to protect yourself: #DeleteFacebook

He is an asshole, whether closeted or not.

I so agree. Even if what I am baking or cooking is disappointing, it is always more nutritious than commercially prepared and more affordable than dining out. I enjoy the experience of baking bread, for instance, because the senses are flooded with delicious aromas, the sight of real life dough turning into a toasted

Carlson is jealous of Michael Avenatti.