
Agreed - this was an image failure showing the person pooping with their pants apparently still pulled all the way up. However, it is important for one not to drop one’s pants on the floor, since the floor around a toilet is one of the most unclean places - especially in public restrooms. I encourage folks to keep

Agreed - this was an image failure showing the person pooping with their pants apparently still pulled all the way

I’ve used the Think-Act-Forget method for ages, but didn’t label it as such. Too many people don’t know how to offer criticism and the emotional baggage that comes with letting their negativity isn’t worth hanging on to most people’s criticisms. This is a great way to not get bogged down with relational politics at

Almost all of these are non-specific and are appropriate for all workplaces... I concur with the comment about turning off one’s notifications or turning off one’s phone - that’s why there is a Power OFF option.

I have owned several Chromebooks and really like them: fast, light, and perfect for so many tasks. This announcement broadens their user-friendliness and means Android’s OS is maturing, so I will buy another Chromebook when the two I now own reach the end of their useful lives.

Gentle stretching is always a great idea before doing something physical, which is why yoga asana practitioners are taught to do “warm ups” before proceeding to asana (moving and static yoga poses) sequences. I think the reason the “don’t stretch” idea came into play was people were actually injuring themselves by

I’m not sure where you by your gear, but I’ve never paid that amount for my camping gear, ever... glad to see there are others who love to go to nature!

As well as for following instructions from recipes.

I am so sorry to hear of Kelloggs passing, as he brought life and affection to you, and that is such a gift. I’ve lived with several cats for the last 35 or so years. Saying goodbye when it is their time to go is always so hard, for both of us. I miss my little furballs of love every day and lavish in-the-now love and

Excellent title, Eric, and one that reflects some central life wisdom. Thanks.

Melanie, this looks like a great tool - thanks. I typically just place recipes in Pocket or if I’m going to use them right away, make a PDF and send them to my Kindle or just use my Chromebook.

I see it this morning, after I said, “weather”, to my phone. The “arrow” was at the bottom of my phablet screen... and everything was there, just as the article described. I’d say try again today.

Yes, they have made a difference in my life - notably, the one by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s. I practice openness to life-affirming situations and presentations, which nourishes a positive worldview and mental health.


1) I bet you were surprised when this topic was assigned, eh what?

For those that I’ve seen, I’ve walked away uplifted, enlightened, and empowered. I have found them instructional and timely.

Dr Jill Bole Taylor’s presentation knocked me on my butt with its profundity. Every time I watch it, I am deeply moved, especially because she radiates the energies of her powerful experience as she shares it.

I’ve been using Drupe for a few months. One of the things I like is I now have almost no icons on my home screen, since email, messaging, phoning, and other apps are accessible with a simple swipe to activate the hidden Drupe app. I do wish it had more themes, though.

Awesome comment!

I am always glad when someone wishes me a Merry Christmas. I celebrate it, not for the Christian meaning, since I am a Wiccan pagan and celebrate the Winter Solstice and Yule. It has been adopted by Christianity as the birth of the Christ, however it has pagan origins and was created from numerous traditional