
I have no idea why it’s getting a second season. I thought it started “OK” and then got progressively worse as each episode went on. Netflix has a bad habit of cancelling good shows to give bad concepts more runway.

Everyone involved should just get a life. It’s just a movie, wasn’t worth the Count of Monte Cristo-like effort he put into it.

Pretty sure “Space: Above and Beyond” salted the Earth for an X-COM adaptation.

The phrase “eviscerated by liquid hot magma” sounds like something out of a bad Friday the 13th movie.  

In the category of nit-picking, it wasn’t a gatling gun, it was a .50 caliber machine gun.

I don’t see in the ESPN article you’re referencing that he has been officially fired yet. “He expects to lose his job” - the writing is probably on the wall, but you should read the source carefully, sounds like we won’t officially know whether he’s gone or not until the 1 PM presser.

I’m also mad I watched this because it was poorly done.

Way to link to the actual video in an obvious way. “i09" is about to equal “The Ringer” in terms of BS click bait content.

I was going to say, I thought I already saw one about Jared Leto’s character...and saw it first promoted on i09. Whoops.

I’m not sure who’s dumber - the reporter who tweeted this, the “writer” who documented it with the vocabulary of a drunken frat boy, or the reader (me) for falling for this click bait.

This is why I quit playing this game, even after initially dumping a ton of time into it. The Season 2 update eliminated any emphasis on timing of attacks/defense and strategy in the battle, as well as really learning what each class was good at in terms of team balance. Instead, it turned the game into “I can mash a

Not to go all Doc Brown on you, but there’s no TIME for any of your suggestions. We’ve got 8 (maybe 9?) total hours this season to set up next season’s main event - Westerosmania 2018 - the Night King takes on all comers.

Cersei’s kids are all piles of ashes - 2 were blown up when the Sept (sp?) was destroyed, and she ordered Tommen to be cremated.

DC’s version of The Winter Soldier - “The Frosty GI”

And this series of books wouldn’t have made for a compelling AMC, HBO,or Showtime (or hell, Starz) series? Why exactly?

This is clearly an automobile-based allegory for the Tony Romo saga.

I think that Sansa’s smile as she walked away from the Ramsay-canine smorgasbord doesn’t equal satisfaction in the same sense as the viewers’ satisfaction. IMO, it was very Littlefinger-esque and obviously continues to echo that the events of the past 4-5 seasons have irrevocably changed her into a cold, calculating

Love the idea. The tagline for the movie should really be: “Because we didn’t think you’d buy tickets to ‘XCOM: The Movie’!”