One thing I dug was how each scene kept the lighting cues of the origibal series. Daredevil in Red, Jessica in Blue, Cage in yellow and so on. Great through line.
One thing I dug was how each scene kept the lighting cues of the origibal series. Daredevil in Red, Jessica in Blue, Cage in yellow and so on. Great through line.
How have you guys not made a point of Cera's character going through a failed Bluthian literally opposite version of The Social Network being a meta riff on that film's star essenrially being a more succesful Cera?
That's literally the point of the show though. (The Psychic nuclear device bit could evene be ad copy given how the seriesa progresses.)
I really dug all the implausible fears she had coming true implausibly in the film. It felt very Snickety for lack of a better turn, a physical version of callbacks to random and idiosyncratic tangents with odd payoffs.
It's actually funny,I think Cindy may be the least caring person on this show,like the closest she came was with her daughter and even then she was grossly negligent. Like she seems borderline sociopathic in her self interest.
Did no one catch the callback to the ducks just the episode before?
People coercing people into what they want is the vast majority of human socialization, hell just watch this show.
You say that, but people still lock doora despite the moral onus beeing on others not to steel.
Frankly it looked to me like a "classic" example of imagined consent. The trope is that given the woman went home with you/had that fourth drink/went ducking with you that it is okay.