It's not really Netflix's choice - it comes down to whatever their deal is with the rights holders. The Bond films seem to come and go on Netflix, I'm sure they'll be back before too long.
It's not really Netflix's choice - it comes down to whatever their deal is with the rights holders. The Bond films seem to come and go on Netflix, I'm sure they'll be back before too long.
It's not the series, it's the Tony Scott movie of the same name that's leaving.
Revenge isn't being removed from Netflix. It's the OTHER Revenge (Tony Scott's film, which also starred Madeline Stowe) that's disappearing from the service on 2/1.
The official team site seems like a weird place to comment on what's potentially a police matter.
If you re-arrange the letters in "Sandy Hook World Trade Center Pentagon Benghazi and Boston Marathon" you get "New England Patriots, a work day torched, Bonanza Hombres Ghetto Kong".
All CGI.
My sister was eight years older than me and I think I'd have been scarred for life if she attempted a similar bribe. It's crazy, creepy shit.
Perfectly stated.
The FoxNews talking points seem to be: "What Sterling said was wrong but he's an individual and not representative of old, white America's attitudes towards undesirables. Also: did you know that a black person said something racist once?"
I continue to be intrigued by the mystery of her divorce from Armisen. It sounds so sordid.
I do not know how you can Zyklon B so insensitive...
Mmmm, 50 Shades of "hey...!"
I don't think Lego We Need To Talk About Kevin even made it out of the proposal stage.
My first boss in my industry was a 10th grade drop-out who was making tens of millions a year. There are definitely exceptions out there.
The sad thing is: that picture was taken in 2001 or early 2002.
Uh, yeah. The quality of Allen's output has been spotty going back to the late 90's and critics have been brutal on more than one occasion.
Yeah, I lost my mom to cancer last week and just reading about the game gave me the chills.
I am so disappointed in Eric Roberts.
Buffalo Wild Wings? Guilty.
And if I recall, there have been rumors of similar behavior with other women in the past.