
Exactly. You've summarized their empty, holier-and-smarter-than-thou philosophy nearly perfectly. It's really too bad that it's skin-deep pseudo-thought.

I deeply admire their long-running success, but they're much better when they just stick to character-driven storytelling. When they attempt to tackle issues or politics, they're quickly out of their depth —
often by moralizing with some idiotic, half-witted position they present as some abiding truth that the rest

Really good and fun analysis that takes me back to that first time seeing DIE HARD, which was absolutely a revolution to a teenage kid who had only seen the other hollow blockbusters of that time.

So the whole Cosby "drug-'em-and-rape-'em" approach would be all right with you?

"Rape hoaxers"? I've never heard that term. Would you consider yourself a rape apologist? Because that sounds a lot like something a rape apologist would say.

1. The recorded phone call was a sting to try to get them to admit what they'd done. She says that she woke up and he was having sex with her. His answers — and his later answers apologizing for the choices he made — lead me to believe this isn't as cut-and-dried as you believe.

I haven't read anything about any recorded tape, and I can't find anything on it now. The only "recordings' I read about were the recordings the police made of phone calls between the victim and the two guys. In terms of how "wide awake" she was, I did read that she had about 7 drinks that night (from the testimony

From the descriptions of the court case, this sounds like she had oral sex with him, then the next time they hooked up, she was blackout drunk and he raped her while she was semi-conscious, then his friend did, too — at his (sick, twisted) invitation. Maybe that court and that jury didn't find that to be rape, but it

I've heard Fallon's very good on The Tonight Show, but I still can't watch him after seeing him laugh at his own jokes for three years on SNL.

Having seen probably 90% of SNLs since the early '80s, it's pretty clear Colin Quinn was the worst Weekend Update anchor of all time. Probably a decent guy and funny in person or something. But unwatchable in this role.

Forgot the film Remo Williams, The Adventure Begins!