James Fleeting

Let's see, major points I would have covered in my 40 seconds, none of which Eph mentioned.

The Strain would totally work better as a series of movies. The first chapter of it takes place over like 2 weeks, it'd be nice and tight as a film. It's so full of bloat now. Also I hate Eph with every fiber of my being - every time the camera cuts to him I think "Ok Eph, what asshole thing do you have to say now. Oh

Rory was never as bumbling as Pink, and the relationship was pre established. He was the childhood friend romantic interest. Pink has no redeeming features, seriously. He's done everything wrong at every step, never been anything but awkward, yet we're meant to think he's some great love of Clara's life. She literally

Gus messing with Creem to that degree was stupid. Uhh, that terrible plague you just mentioned? WTF are you going to do with some cargo large enough for a shipping container. Take the guns, if you want to be a dick take the money too, and fucking leave. Also shoot Creem. I mean that sucks but you're a criminal, he's a

Don't ask questions if you don't want to know the answer lol. They find a super badass human and have him join them as their daylight operator. After they've completed some task, in this case putting down the Master's insurrection, they're infected (although they don't' know this.)

Very surprised about Palmer being infected. Book spoiler, the Master totally betrays him and just snaps his neck in the book when he's still a human. That betrayal will probably still come, but they wanted to draw out his character I guess. I don't totally hate it. We could use more than one villain they can afford to

I hate Danny Pink. Seriously. Every moment the show spends on him and his stupid relationship with Clara is another second of wasted Who. He isn't fit to shine Rory's centurion booties. I pray, PRAY that Clara does leave this Christmas and I never have to see bumbling stumbling stuttering boring Danny Pink again, or

Yeah he said the coitus thing to test if Amy could hear them. Way to totally misunderstand the situation then base a huge part of your analysis on said misunderstanding.

They haven't done a very good job establishing the relationship between The Master and Eph yet. In the books by now The Master already recognizes Eph as his greatest threat, the only force really working against him, so him taking special notice of Kelly makes more sense. I've actually been wondering how they were

I was dissapointed by the Master. Too much silly, not enough scary. He worked great as a scary faceless character and I knew we'd have to get his face eventually but… yeah, that's awful. Also, WHY ARE THEIR TONGUES STILL COMING FROM THEIR MOUTHS. They come from the vagina in their throats. Ok, so they changed it so

I found it interesting that Jim didn't have a "make sure my wife is Ok" statement. Also, I don't want to spoil Fet's future too much, but let me just say that yes, Set/Fet is absolutely awesome and is totally going to be a thing.

Further book spoiler: To continue the discussion on Eph's boss, in the book there wasn't the bumbling-sidekick-traitor character. It was just Eph's boss working for Stoneheart. There also wasn't the ridiculous super-hacker internet-disruption plot too. So yes, absolutely, Stoneheart does seem a bit ridiculous in the

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I'm not saying the show is great, I'm just saying that one particular aspect (Why is the CDC more concerned with Eph wheeling away a patient than irrefutable evidence of fucking vampires) is meant to be perplexing within the show's universe.

Spoiler from books: Eph's boss is working with Stoneheart. That's why he's not getting any reaction. Maybe they could somehow express this better but yeah… cut them a little slack for that. You're meant to note how strange it is that he can't get anything done, rather than just thinking "It's dumb how in this world

I'd say it's crazy that he hasn't seen it, but I know how busy he is. Not writing. Stop saving wolves, stop touring comic con, load up your stupid DOS program and finish your damn books. Screw you Neil Gaiman, you're not the boss of me, I can treat GRRM like my bitch if I want to! (<3 to NG & GRRM)

Buster's episode was like the best episode of the season. I'd watch Gob and Buster all day over Maeby. I'm not a huge GM fan but his stuff was pretty great in that season.

"Why are you watching this, please turn off the telly and reevaluate your life."

He wasn't there to test him, she was there to kill him. He was Comstock but instead of cutting off Anna's pinky he cut off her head on accident. So he reverted to a Booker (gave up his ambitions) and had his Lutece/Luteces find somewhere he could run away to- Rapture.

"so Lana’s daughter (Aubergine? Did I hear that right?) is immediately dubbed an “octoroon.” No, she's dubbed a quadroon, she's 1/4th black. It was quadroon not octoroon.