
Nobody goes to the hermitage anymore — it’s too crowded.

It’s Gore-Tex!

The lifeguards and the bystander saved them. Hanging on to the selfie stick was foolish.

It helps with the rhyming that most people here on Nantucket were Quakers:

I keep hoping that the museum here on Nantucket will add an "Adults Only" section behind a beaded curtain to display their collection of "he's-at-homes" (see above) a/k/a/ "whale boners".

I guess I'm the exception that proves the rule. Male, forties, unemployed for six months, I prepare all the meals, drive our child around, supervise play dates, do the grocery shopping, bring the recycling to the dump, and would absolutely LOVE to love in a clean, spare, open home, if I only I could get my wife and


A tiger? In Africa?


Just in case you thought the Bible was literal....


"Over at Sky and Telescope, you can get the real story on what the five possible stages of the eclipse are."

It's a fair cop.

Apparently you can also use them to play tennis.

Huh. We usually just go up to the cupola.

The "feathers" don't look all that different than these:

Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" is an interesting — and grim — read of what it would be like:

I would like to see Stephen Colbert wrestle a bear.

Would the multiverse(s) explain what dark matter is?