James Donnaught

There's also the high probability that a mechanical pump was used to inflate the balls - who's going to manually pump up 24 game balls, on top of the balls for the kickers? Anyone who's used one knows that they can put out very hot air, due to the rise in temperature that comes with compression. If the balls were

With all due respect to the victim and her family, it's not the murder that's of interest here. It's the whole notion of trying to produce a factually accurate history from evidence and testimony, with all its ambiguities and unknowns — and on how someone's future or very life hangs on how well the justice system


Not seening the upside to "portable" here, unless you intend to keep the drive locked in a safe. I keep my sensitive info in an encrypted volume, with equally-encrypted backup.

Your sense of direction is weaker.

Nicely played.

Last one that hit me hard was Jerry Garcia. (Yeah, I'm old.) Probably because he was so totally into life, it seemed cruel to take it from him.
Hard to think of who comes close, among today's celebrities. Many that I'd miss, but few that I'd mourn in the same way. The only one who comes to mind is Tina Turner . .

"So you find a way to make the Mega knock a tugboat out of the harbor of
Alexandria and have this tugboat fly through the air and hit this target
seven or 10 miles away, or whatever it is."

Which totally explains recent mass murders at places like a bible school and a church.  Huckleberry is an idiot, and he really needs to just shut up.

Which totally explains recent mass murders at places like a bible school and a church.  Huckleberry is an idiot, and he really needs to just shut up.

Of course, the "right to live" (in stunned horror or otherwise) takes a back seat to the right to own stupid devices that spew bits of lead at high velocity.  Priorities, dontcha know?

Of course, the "right to live" (in stunned horror or otherwise) takes a back seat to the right to own stupid devices that spew bits of lead at high velocity.  Priorities, dontcha know?