James Dewey

I'm not sure I ever did get through the entire Simpsons movie, but I really hated the pig and the constant commercials showing the spider-pig clip at the time — to me, it kind of symbolized much of what was "New [bad] Simpsons." At least it wasn't "jerkass Homer", I suppose.

There sure is a lot of fast food coverage on this site.

I've got one of those HTC Vive Virtual Reality headsets, and I really really want somebody to make a Mind's Eye (that you are referring to) sort of experience for that. It would be awesome. The closest I can find on Steam is a music video called "The Surge."

As amusing as the episode was, a common complaint I have about many episodes from the last few seasons is that it felt like it could have fit into a 15 minute slot of TV. There's no small amount of padding for time going on here. I do think it's a direct result of their super-fast production schedule.

I'm leaning towards it being a joke, but the world's a funny place.

I don't think I'm helping any decision to retire it, because I click on almost every one of these articles just to see the comments. Kinda like how I'd home in on poorly rated Family Guy reviews just to see the carnage.