Been a long time: do the early seasons of this show still hold up?
Been a long time: do the early seasons of this show still hold up?
Yuck. I love open world games but only when there’s anything to do in them. I realized early taht Osyssey was depressingly empy, filled with forts whose sole purpose was to be an open-world checklist despite the fact that, narratively, I had no reason to go there or kill anyone, and mechanically I didn’t need the…
Weird. I thought it one of the only scenes in the picture that was actually effective. Can we hear from America Chavez fans about how completely wasted she is in the movie, because that and Wanda are far more egregious than alt-univese cameos dying like alt-universe cameos are essentially designed to do. They killed a…
I think the fights are visually unparsable. There’s so many environmental effects on screen - ocean, rain, night - that I can’t every see the damn movie.
Great take, fuck this movie.
Hard disagree. This is one of the worst-miked movies of the last few decades - the mix is appalling - the robots feel weightless and the constant weather effects that obscure the visuals look like the movie is just trying to hide it, the plot hinges on several crucial elements of worldbuilding that are suspended…
I’ve never seen two movies in a cinema in one day before, it was a new experience—but I really do think you could carve an hour out of G3 and have a tighter movie, although there’s no saving the fact that Endgame bringing Gamora back was terrible idea because then you just have to sit through a whole film of an angry,…
The moment Yennifer transformed from an ‘ugly’ girl into the goofiest-looking pouty pornstar in a plotline that felt right off a regressive 80s sex comedy I gave up expecting much of the show and remained baffled at what people were seeing in it. Great actors doing their best with childish material.
Also, watching him get welded into the suit is just cooler than magic nano-tech shit.
Out of curiosity which order did you see them in, because i saw Guardians about four hours after watching Across, and Across made it look like a tedious, bloated mess and I have a feeling I’d have been much more positive to G3 had I seen it first.
Because they kill people. And try to conquer the world. All the fucking time.
The X-men being a stand-in for prejudice never works because being afraid and mistrustful of mutants is incredible rational and sensible.
“Not even in the issue’s “bonus” page online (that you had to scan a QR code to see)“
oh FUUUUUCK that noise. A cellphone is the last medium I want to experience anything on and I continue to be baffled by my entire generation.
“Like... c’mon, guys. Can I please just be a hero?”
Frank Miller and Christopher Nolan say ‘no.’
Pillars of Enternity’s biggest issue is that its combat mechanics are far less interesting than its story.
That and Matt Mercer voices too many characters and I don’t hear them as characters I just hear Matt MErcer and it’s really distracting.
(And, if I’m being nitpicky, the load times suck ass, the stronghold never…
“Director Chris McQuarrie Is on a Mission With Tom Cruise to Get Us in Theaters”
Cut ticket prices by 2/3rd, the cost of popcorn 1/4, bring back matinees, and have more showings in 2D that people like me can actually see and I’ll go, possibly even several time if the picture’s worth seeing.
Otherwise, go fuck yourselves.
And it’s better than the first book, too. An entire hotel in space gets eaten by aliens and it’s not even the climax of the story. 10/10, flawless.
Been asking this for decades.
I’ve tried with PAddington but the whole opening opening with a Gilligan’s Island-esque marmalade machine in a jungle really put me off—it jsut seemed to far removed from the quiet character I lvoed. Should I push on through?
Here’s my thought: they’d save a lot of time if they started with what they did in first movie—a really exciting and energetic ten minute fight scene—but then rather than filming a mediocre and listless 110 other minutes they just stop there.
It’d be out already, and much more enjoyable, if for no other reason than a…
Indeed. I always wonder ‘but what if the money spent on all these 16K texture packs had been spent on polishing emchanis so the game was, y’know, fun. To play. Instead of just impressive to look at.