James DeRiven

I just did a three month Google-sponsored IT tech course whose primary selling point was industry professionals. A decade prior I went through an intensive two-year course in a different but equally demanding technical field.

In both cases I wished I’d had people who knew how to teach
first, regardless of their

What you’re describing you’d change is the game though - setting and lore is window dressing , the combat and the loot is the game.


It’s bad by every metric the shuttle was sold to the public on, and it’s a minor miracle that success rate wasn’t lower given how overconfident NASA was with the shuttle so many times its a macabre joke.

I’ve sunk a lot of time into NMS (until a year and a half ago when a bug only I seem to have ruin crafting for me and me alone) and while I like it it never becomes the game I want it to be

So you’re saying it’s a game that would benefit from being a completely different game?

Famerate-at-all-costs is such gamer brainrot disease.

I bailed on this show mid-way through season 2 on the grounds that the characters the two main male leads were inhabiting were so much more interesting than the plots they were being shoved in, while poor Ciri had nothing to do but wander vaguely from place to place (with a sidekick boy never given so much as a single

Season 2 of Beastars was so strong and then it just nosedived into shit come the finale, throwing out every point it had made early in the season with an idiotic ‘well its okay if Lagoshi does it” to help him win a dumb fight with a glorified background extra.

An actually unique Superman story would just be two hours of him helping out ordinary citizens of metropolis with their day-to-day, non-world-threatening crises.

Spider-verse bluntly demonstrates that you don’t need to show the origin story because everyone seeing the movie knows it. You can reference it throughout your whole film and simply save 20 minutes of time because the audience knows what Krypton blowing-up looks like they’ve been watching it on movie screens since Flei

So by “things the showrunners changed” I assume you mean the entire premise of the book series? It’s core, foundational (sorry) purpose and argument?

Whether you find the show entertaining or not (it’s got its moments), its not that the show changes cahracters or plots or storylines—it’s that it doesn’t accept the premi

Foundation wants to be Dune so bad it’s in physical pain, which makes its ability to work as an adaptation non-existence because Foundation is Dune’s diametric opposite in terms of tone, style, and underlying themes, even if they are both about large, unwieldy galactic empires falling apart at the seams.

Foundation is

As always: only if you’re a American.

Which don’t pay nearly as well as people assume.

How does Che get to be bicostal with a good sized NYC apartment on a mid-level comedy career and a TV pilot.”

Same real estate company as the Friends gang and the kooky misogynists from Big Bang Theory. They deal in rents so frozen Disney’s once sued for IP infringement.

a word that will never not seem like a typo to me”

On this website, who can tell anymore?

All life in Titan died. In Titan.

Part of the reason the Big Two comics have gone into such a decline, I feel, is that ‘changing without ever really changing’ storytelling has gone completely out of fashion. When plot points happen I wat them to matter. When DC erased all of No Man’s Land[1] from continuity, the thing that got me to care about Batman

The studio goes “after story until it is clear, thrilling and emotional,”

Since when?