James DeRiven

Every writer here is just riding out their contract as best they can. None of this is their fault and there’s nothing they can do to fix it.

Rise of Skywalker is worse than all three prequels combined. Whatever their faults - and they are legion - they have clear beginnings, middles, and ends, clear themes, and a clear story. Nobody’s complaint about the Prequels were that they were confusing: just boring.

At this point we should say accept the fact tah when Luke Skywalker said “no one’s ever really gone” he was speaking literally. No one has ever actually died on Star Wars. Ever. They’re just not on camera most of the time but yeah, no one has ever died. They’re all still there.


Oh my GOD I get so much HATE for pointing out how SNW, at its worst, is full of immature childish characters who don’t act like growns ups because SNW is supposed to be “The Good One” but is really jsut doing the same shit Discovery did with a cast people like more. (The grown-up, adult, good show was somehow

It also made me think about a similar scene in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and how it made me like that movie even less.”

That’s literally every scene in Rise, though. Without exaggeration it is one of the worst-constructed big-budget movies in history. Every scene feels careless.

Oh friend, I am so sorry. Genuinely: is there I can do for you?

I know, I get it. But it feels worse with these subscription games - your pocket is constantly under assault for a product you get nothing but misery out of.

Russel Crowe’s family in Gladiator.

Lady Wen in The Untamed

Watson’s wife in Sherlock.

Ms. Marvel in the latest issue of Spider-man.

Just off the top of my head.

Yes. And it had an outsized influence that’s made Batman worse ever since.

There should be no guys in a warehouse shooting rocket launchers at you. No one should shoot those indoors, or if they do they should outright kill all their colleagues because, let me just check here... right, I have super strength and magic spider healing powers, and that guy’s just from Staten Island.

Stop playing this game, people. Just stop. Just stop letting this game company hurt you, I’m begging you. None of you seem happy, but the only thing that would actively send a message they would actually respond to is if enough of you just stopped playing to prove a point.

Just stop playing!

(Pokémon players, this goes

They’re fun mechanically, but like everything tainted by Frank Miller there’s a singular misunderstanding that Batman’s best runs are about a guy called Bruce whose is a dad to a big group of dysfunctional but loving mostly-orphans, and his day job is playing a role called Bruce Wayne (a playboy) and his night job is

Combat challenges are the worst? No no no: DRONE challenges are the worst.

Oh god I’m sounding like the dicks on reddit who answer your question going ‘I found that part so easy I can’t comprehend it being an issue conceptually therefore I’m going to treat like you’re not humanly capable of ever playing a video game.’


He doesn’t get the chance to be funny or assholish enough to be proper Steven, and while I love Crowe’s Jack, the Jack in the film is the idealized hero that Jack inhabits only occasionally in the books: it’s hard to see Crowe’s Jack leaving you screaming at the screen “YOU FUCKING IDIOT NO” as he blithely gives away

The first one is inarguable the most difficult to get into: people who bounce hard off the jargony first one can still fall in love with the loving Jane Austen homage of Post Captain, the seoncd book, and it’s clear from book two-on that an editor came in with a remit to make the books somewhat more accessible to he

I mean yeah it’s a typo, but it doesn’t make the sentence better when you correct for it. The sentence is badly written.

A stronger and less perplexing phrasing would be:

“a movie that he will heroically defend for as long as he lives”

... yeah? Because it’s a great fucking movie?

But I thought because had it done so that made what it.

Black Widow was the last MCU movie I thought was any good, and thus made its forgone ending so deeply frustrating because ehre was a team ofa ctors who played beautifully off one-another and whom you fundamentally wanted to see more of.

But I think it speaks so much to Black Widow’s role in the first MCU phases as ‘the