James DeRiven

I mean yes.

On the flip side, it’s the only emotional beats the movie has going for it.

I’ve bounced hard off of Utena every time I’ve made an attempt. It’s just enamored of endless scene of people standing around talking cryptically about That Thing and The Plan and What We Have Decided On.

‘Gad-Dangit’: Aghast Gad Grieves Gestated Gamble

The future of Marvel and DC comics is probably going to be... rough. Very, very rough.

In an era where comics as an art form are really coming into their own and serialized narrative is almost de-rigeour, the forever-present storytelling of Marvel and DC feel like they are utterly out of step with modern tastes on

I remember watching Quantum of Solace (a 2008 movie that put its female lead in brownface) and realizing with embarrassed horror that Casino Royale was a fluke and that everyone involved had learned all the wrong lessons.

Skyfall’s theme is a banger, though.

We did that already. It was called Johnny English and it was awful.

They’re dumb in a way that’s kind of fun, but they also line-up with that unexpected 1990s British cultural revival that nobody saw coming. Britain was punching above its weight: had it made other choices it might not have spiraled into total obsolescence.

The final Bond film should be Bond trying and failing miserably

I mean aprt of me thinks that’s the only part of the movie that actually has any emotional heft to it, but on the other end I could not figure-out the tone this movie was trying to go for. Even by MCU movies this was not a film for children - so why the big fucking toy push?

Yeah. I didn’t like NuTrek at the start, and i still have issues with it (I am just not as enamored with SNW as everyone else seems to be), but I would be lying if I acted like it hadn’t gotten better. (Disco season 2 not withstanding...)

I mean not really. The machine-scaled stuff looks... exactly like machine-scaled stuff.

if there’s one longstanding franchise that thrives in part because it had almost no money to work with, it’s Star Trek.”

Unless you want to see the critically -acclaimed Prodigy, now airing.... literally nowhere.

Ah fuck me, you’re right.

You could carve at least an hour off of Guardians 3 and do nothing but improve the picture. Take everything with Adam Warlock out too.

I saw Guardians 3 about six hours after seeing Across the Spider-verse and it was a brutal experience. The film just limps across the screen looking bloated and unfocused in comparison,

Here’s a thought on who should be the next Bond:

Nobody. Stop making them. Every Bond filn for the last twenty years keeps looking into the camera and going ‘man it’s weird we keep this colonialist dinosaur running around, huh’ and Casino Royale was the only move that did anything with that but it’s still true. Given


Paramount, who just wiped four shows of the map (including the truly wonderful Star Trek Prodigy) for tax purpose, and whose entire executive staff can go fuck themselves.

I think old Fred Tristar-Columbia did well by his name.

He’s also terrified of women and has deeply repressed homoeroticism.

I mean ‘Power, Corruption & Lies’ is right there!