James DeRiven

If only the movie were worth owning. Let me know when a 90 minute Director’s Preferred Cut shows up.

It’s the old tech problem of c-suite not actually using their product.

They’re also really big numbers for modern TV.

It’s wild to read the history of shows in the 90s an find they were cancelled for doing better numbers than all but the super-bowl today.

In part, though, televisions execs brought this on themselves. It wasn’t just streaming: the shift to the massive cable packages of the

Luca was great.

Luca was small, and quiet, and micro-focussed on an extremely specific, fully-realized locale. It felt like a Ghibli movie, its highest stakes were buying a scooter, and its villain was a dude whose power was riding a bicycle. Luca said ‘if you spend ninety minutes in a gorgeous Italian village in the

Here’s my idea: what if we got an actor to play the role instead? Someone who could emote, and do really tricky things like change their facial expression?


Everyone - getting silver is doable. Getting gold for the Screwball challenges, or those hateful drone challenges? Fuck that, fuck that, fuck that, not fun, utterly joyless.

Worse then any section of the game where you have to walk around as a Mary Jane whose

Luckily I have no money whatsoever so I’m not going to be capable of buying anything.

I mean that all genuinely sounds great I just think ‘get engaged by the first year’ is asking a bit much’ - I’m usually still trying to clear my field before the first year is out, I don’t have time for courting.

But a game with a proper narrative arc - that I like.

Yes. Titanic was a Royal Mail Ship because, well, she carried mail and was therefore entitled to the status. HMS is exclusively for military vessels. (HMCS/NCSM in Canada, HMAS in Australia, the utterly unwieldy HMPNGDFS (His Majesty’s Papua New Guinea Defence Force Ship) in Papua New Guinea, and so on.)

In recent years, Warner Bros. and DC have had an equally huge, newsworthy presentation”

Given the quality of what they put out, we really shouldn’t have treated it as newsworthy. Should have treated it the way we do releases from The Asylum: a little footnote in back pages of the trades.

Across the Spider-verse out there proving definitively that CGI-heavy “live-action’ superhero movies should be taken out back and shot. I watched Guardians 3 a few hours after seeing Across and man did that ruin the fi;m more: what a bloated, crummy mess: is Across had come out first no one would have had much good to

A Wonderful Life dictates you must get engaged within the first in-game year”

That’s uh... stupid.

I mean as this website has reported previously, Amouranth has famously invested her money in lots of other projects, so presumably if this fails she’s not facing penury.

RMS Titanic. Not HMS.

It was that video from a few months back about what a massive fraudster Tallarico is that put him back in the conversation. We’re all talking about Tommy, fraudster, these days.

Look at this guy gatekeeping gambling addiction.

Kravin is very silly. Kravin is so rediculous that his big brutal grim broody trailer just reinforces how silly this all is. Did you not read Squirrel Girl? Why are we still taking Kraven seriously?

(Trying to play through Arkham Knight and man that game sure thinks all its very dumb broody angry men are also something

Give me Niles Morales, from the Fraiserverse.

Having watched both into and Across it is not clear to me why you’d ever want another live-action superhero movie ever again. What a terrible medium for the genre.